b'CATAPULTS INSLING MISCELLANYENTERTAINMENT!Slingshots from the TV and movies - an original idea, stolen quite blatantly The Prince of Wales, 1982This issues collection of assorted pie wasin Stranger Things series one #3, First of all a cool idea by Tracy Ledbetter in the USA.its a Wrist Rocket! when Lucas is explaining He was all about slingshots in shows and washis weapon of choice. The name is owned by putting rough screen grabs online. Now,I doSaunders and that looks like an old Daisy in have a high falutin rule about the picturesseries one, #8. And then, his Royal Highness, on these pages being deserving of beingKing Charles III, when he was Prince of printed in a magazine. That is being crisp andWales, shooting a catapult in 1982, shooting proper resolution. But I have had to make anwith semi-long draw by his ear, expert-style, exception for this page and hope both you,like David Brazil.dear reader and my superstar designer willAnd I know its not easy to see but that forgive me, as it is all kinda cool! is a Saunders starship - the Pro-X in Tropic Most of these are TV shows, but we doThunder way back when.have The Hobbit with Ori the Dwarf and theThe Addams Family, Gilligans Island, The Addams Family Grandmamabrand new live action/CGI Pinocchio movieSimpsons, there were loads moreI love it! That and two more topical ones! The line isCheers, Tracy!Lucas from Stranger Things New Pinocchio Pro-X in Tropic ThunderOri The Dwarf from The HobbitGilligans Island ep 11007007 SSW006our slingshot world.indd 7 06/11/2022 13:59'