b"MOVERS & SHAKERSACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITYWhilst their profession is grown-up engineering, their souls remain boyishIts like Dennis The Menace and Just William went into business together.6OLnJVhRtV Dnd ,Lt ZDV ZD\\ RYeUdXe tR DVN them IRUJXUed Access All Areas.7he UVtthLnJ\x0fLVthDtdeVSLtethLVde nLteO\\JURZnXS company making serious industrial and manufacturing items, they are both as enthusiastic about catapults as I was when I was a kid. New designs are brewing in Simons mind all the time but the names are all from the brain of our Steve. New designs will be worked on and Steve will be the one who names it. Simon came into the industry via apprenticeship, while Steve went to college. I recall telling him about Toms Targets made ofHardox500plate,ratedhighinBrinellhardness.He immediately wanted to know how that compared to Rockwell and went off and dug out a book while we were on the phone!Simon enjoys going to shoots. It was at the Solihull HFT event that he had the meeting with John Jeffries that led to Wasp producing Johns FTC (Field Target Champ) design. I took a pic, not knowing what they were so deep in discussion about.The most ubiquitous brand in modern slingshots is WASP. Normally,thatplyorHDPEprototypewillbeshaped Starting at the price of a bucket of KFC, they have sold moreby Simon. Steve will then scan or 3d model that in order to slingshots in recent years than anyone. Their Uniphoxx is thetUDnVSRVe Lt LntR D \x16d &$'$ \x16d SULnt RU Dn DOXmLnLXmOe. one catapult everybody simply has to have, no matter whatprototype will then be CNC machined and then checked by else they may get. Simon to check it holds and shoots as he intended. If not, a TheseguysareoftenreferredtosimplyasStevenorneZ SURtRt\\Se LV mDde XntLOnDOO\\ the\\ FDn FUeDte the SODVtLF Simon Wasp. injection mould tool.Simon is so active on Facebook that he is a bit of a socialSamplesareproducedthathavetopassrigorous media star. Always ready to thank folks for their praise of Waspmechanical & visual testing by the WASP test shooter team products and often ready to help advise or answer questions.who get sent new frames to beta test. All this has to happen Yet Steve is more of an enigma, using Facey just for his primos. before a new slingshot is deemed acceptable to be introduced Their core company is called Phoenix Mould Tools. Theyto the community.take frighteningly expensive slabby lumps of high Rockwell- The whole process can take six to eighteen months.hardnessspecialiststeelandthencarvethemoutwithAs for the men behind the tech, both Simon and Steve expensive technical tools, including one that uses high tensiondrive cars with a lot of thrust and both of them have the same electricity. This spark-erodes the metal to carve out a mould! Aboyish stripe in their souls. Its like Dennis the Menace and Just tool for injection-moulding anything from an insulated coffeeWilliam grew up and went into business together to make the mug to a brand new XO slingshot. perfect catapult.Wasp are Steve Lane and Simon Dalby and they are totalTheykeepmakingnewslingshots,liketheyhavent diamond geezers. I have worked with many engineers and theperfected it yet but I think they already might have.best companies have ones that are like Steve and Si. A perfectItstheUniphoxxormaybetheEnzoorpossiblythe foil for one another. Target Master erBut little is really known about these gentlemen of Waspwww.waspslingshots.co.uk041041 SSW006 Steve&Si Wasp.indd 41 08/11/2022 16:51"