b'THE RUBBER BOUTIQUE DELICATE OR DEADLY?COCKTAIL TUBESTry these cunning cocktail tubeson theonoon\x04net shop ront, serhinshotI n our slingshot worlds history therea dual-tube bandset with a quad-hole pouchPull was via gripping the bands in are three main kinds of elastics. Solids,and neodymium ammo micro-magnet. Asa Hegarty band jig vice clamped to tubes and flats. Solid square elasticthe other two bandsets have my weightya massive oaken table, drawn with a used to be sliced from a sheet. Newpinch pouch, the weight is similar. At theBrowning digital fishing scale along a tape extruded types include a cylindricalenergies we are playing with, and the sheermeasure to my 80cm/31in draw. Weight solid tube. Hollow tubes came next, withmass of elastic which itself has to accelerate,taken immediately draw was achieved and flat bands being the newest and main kindwe can discount pouch weight di erences.after the energy loss on hold.these days. Apart from anything else, its probablySpeed was via a Chrony F1. The We know that flat bands are fastestway less significant than my own lack oforiginal and best and a now discontinued when they are cut with a taper. To get thatmachine-like consistency in hold duration. rarity. I did ten shots to get averaged taper e ect with tubes, you can make aWe want to check how hard they are tomeasurements in Feet Per Second (fps). It Y cocktail. More exact than pseudo-taperpull versus how fast they go. took a few shots for each one registering. (made with a single looped tube) it uses two pieces of tube rather than one. This systemThe F1 is fussy as heck!works with Chinese bead-fixing slingshotsSINGLE TUBE:like the $49 Victory 2 and 4 that GZK sent,DRAW WEIGHT: 10lb 13oz & down to 10lb 6oz when heldalong with generous amounts of 2050 andSPEED:137.92 fps average, 142.5 fps highestaccessories. The slingshots came boxedY COCKTAIL:with Allen keys, tube and flat bandsets andDRAW WEIGHT: 12lb 11oz & down to 12lb 4oz when heldspare 4.5mm steel balls to act as beads forSPEED:165.37 fps average, 171.3 fps highestframe fixing, as well as fibre optic sights withhe te n these prts re sie the\x04 DUAL TUBE:spare optic fibre. DRAW WEIGHT: 20lb 14oz & down to 20lb 6oz when heldGZK states in his video that Y-cocktail isSPEED:122.04 fps average, 149.06 fps highestfaster than either single or full dual tubes and exceeds the speed of ordinary flatThe Y cocktail works! Only a small bands. That was a honking horn editorially!increase in draw weight for a big hike We had to check in speed. The quad tube spends huge I made my own Y cocktails with the 2050amounts of its draw weight accelerating tube, using the 4.5mm bead inserter tool onitself. Only good for big ammo with instant the ends. Also, a single tube set of the sameo psh the e p the te ith the ro\x04 draw-release or else its a pointless 22cm overall active length and finally I madedouble-weight wobbly e ort.049 SlingshotWorld049 SSW006 Rub Boutique.indd 49 06/11/2022 15:58'