b'SNIPER SLINGSnipersling Dragon Scale GloveABOVE: SniperslingOLNe tR tU\\ neZ VtXII Dnd thDt meDnV the\\the S-Airship open to nd show stash podFOeYeU FRRO deVLJnVUVt. $nd the $LUVhLS \x0b\\eV\x0f , NnRZ its a Snipersling) has become a bit of a trend lately with the cool people!It comes with a lovely velvety carry-sac with fab EUDndLnJ\x0f FRmSOete ZLth the FRUUeFt $OOen Ne\\ in a little branded packet. You can unscrew the gas-bulb-alike handle from the frame and the bottom of the gas-bulb also unscrews like a OLd tR UeYeDO D VmDOO VtDVh SRd tR NeeS the $OOen Ne\\ Dnd D IeZ EDOOV RU ZhDteYeU. \x0b\x14\x18[\x1c.\x18 \x0e the Ne\\\x0c 0\\VeOI\x0f , FRXOd LmDJLne VD\\Ue tLndeU Dnd steel, a tiny pod of Woodobo and some hooks Dnd D hDnN RIVhLnJ EUDLd\x04 $nd VtLOO hDYe URRm tR slip the key inside. That, or for me, itd be bandsets.Snipersling S-Airship closed ABOVE: New knurledWearetoldthedesignisinspiredbyspace dart end is easier tovehicles,withsmoothsurfacesandcurvedlines. grip 0Dde IURm DYLDtLRn\x10JUDde DOXmLnLXm\x0f 6\x10$LUVhLS LV D FRROJXUe. (VSeFLDOO\\ Zhen he VhRRtV thRVe EDdanodised,makingthesurfacetoughandscratch boys into a small group at 100 feet! resistant. Youcangetmattbackorspacegrey. You have to specify right or left hand glove.Ilovedourgreyone,itwasverysmoothand 7he tLn\\ VtDLnOeVV VteeO VFDOeV DUe VR FXte. (DFhcomfortable to grip.has four holes, allowing two loops of hand- My only worry was the lack of a lanyard hole, stitching to hold them onto their Kevlar fabricbut thats because I always use one. I once had home.Lookslikeamicro-pangolinsbum!a DeadShot open my scalp when the bands RX Jet thXmE Dnd IRUe nJeU FRYeUDJe thDtVbroke and I let go! Not a worry, the neck is tRXJh\x0f OLJht Dnd7he JORYe ZeLJhVsmall and easy to use as a loop point. I hade[LEOe. MXVt \x1a\x1bJ VR ZLOO nRt DIIeFt \\RXU DLm. $ FheDSeUJUeDt IXn ZLth the 6\x10$LUVhLS Dnd IRXnd , FRXOd no-scalesKevlar-onlyversionisavailabletooshoot well with it.for just 14.20. I would invest in the posh oneThedartsareabsolutelyattentiongripping. though. It also looks freaking badass! $ZeVRme VFDU\\ IXn tR VhRRt Dnd the SenetUDtLRn I have one or two litmus test sling shooters I followABOVE: Snipersling into that silver birch log end was absurd. I really closely for being trend setters. Mostly because theyBlunt Tips struggled to pull them out!S-Airship:.57.48ForkWidth: .85mmHeight:117mmTip size:.22mmWeight: 85gGen. 2 version darts: . Five for 23.76 or ten for 41.59Length: 133mmWeight:. 6gDragon Scale Kevlar glove: 32.96.Weight: 78gPre-made Dart/arrow bandsets (0.7mm, 20mm/12mm taper x 150mm):. 11.71 for twelveNock-strings: . 4.05 for twentySnipersling Darts went deep in this logCheck outwww.snipersling.comwhich displays GBP prices.057056-057 SSW006 Snipersling.indd 57 06/11/2022 16:37'