b'OPENING SHOTSPURA VIDA INTERNATIONAL ISSUESlingshots Rule The World! We have the proofH tree frog clinging desperately to it. Made ello and welcome to issue six. Never before have we seen sowith exquisite skill and semi-precious many new slingshots from sostones, the man sits and works by the many territories worldwide!path to the beach and Spike immediately At home we meet the era- knew I had to own one. Looking at changing Proshot Catapults PPMG Pro+those on o er he wisely chose the very with an all-new clip system and we checkbest fork. Genuine natties, not just out the evolution of Wasps Imp and Wolfcarved novelties. A mere $20 and his and meet their all-new Tomahawk. Seemoonstone-bead eyes follow you as fine Italian leather catapult holsters andyou rotate it to look at the sculpture, the marvel at the Linjun Deluxe, the bestsheer quirky character of him. I love it. band factory-jig ever. The leather is printed and clearly on its How about a tactical slingshot fromsecond-life use. The bands are like the a man who designs guns in the Czechbiggest o ice rubber you never saw! AtAdam - I ruined my thumb with Republic? Like his muzzle-loading .50the base, the modelling material is useda DeadShot.shotgun pistol? as an end cap and has the words PURA From Simpleshot in the USA, the newVIDA impressed into its surface.Seljan Series. Designed by an HungarianI have learned that in Costa Rica, genius named Mark Seljan and availablethis overlaps a lot with our own #1Love in injection-moulded and Pro CNC allyhashtag. Simply translated, it means versions at launch, which is awesome.simple life or pure life, but in Costa Then in our biggest scoop of all time,Rica, its more than just a saying. Its a learn about KING RAT Slingshots and theway of life. Costa Ricans (Ticos) use this nightmare-fodder that has haunted Davidterm to say hello, to say goodbye, to say Barnett his whole life. everythings great, to say everythings From Snipersling in China, we havecool. Ticos have a very relaxed, simple the sling-with-a-stash-pod called theway of looking at life. No worries, no S-Airship and evil new darts to go withfuss, no stress. To them Pura Vida means it. Wear their mad-looking Dragon Scalebeing thankful for what they have andInitial G.Really Awesome steel-armoured glove, though! not dwelling on the negative. They say On this page, regular readers willthat you have to go to Costa Rica to trulyDesign. G is an archer and know we love Seedballs Kenya. Re- know what Pura Vida feels like. Its andigs catapults.greening by flinging seedballs byemotion, its an attitude, its happiness, anything from aeroplanes to slingshots.and its a way of life.This white-beaded beauty has bandsI think that slingshots are a fine fit with made from gaskets from Zambian Copperthat. PURA VIDA!mine trucks. The beading is by expert Masai ladies near Amboseli. I own aAdam Rayner, Editor.multicolour example. (p10 issue 5)Would you like a catch box you can mount a 90mm clay pigeon into? We try the fabulous Saunders Spin-Trap. Weve all this plus catapults in the movies, catapult art snappery and more How Tos than ever beforeSnapper Spike, whose Native American name is Kisses-Sharks-With-Fearless-Wife (they both love sharks) was on a diving trip to Costa Rica, mostly spent live-aboard on legendary vessel, The Argo, just before it got chartered to National Geographic for the next five years. He brought me back this!A vendor of smoking pipes and slingshots, each with a hand-sculpted Costa Rican Tree Frog Slingshot. PURA VIDA!003003 SSW006 Ed.indd 3 08/11/2022 17:09'