b'DAMAGE CONTROLDONT BE A DORK! Parks, Streets and Towpaths & other public places are a NO!W hen I went to my first shoot,means those shooting wood pigeons o it was a strangely liberating experience. Regular readers will know that my whole youthful catapulting life was about never being seen, let alone caught. Finding myselfsuburban roofs or street trees, ducks on the on the oche and able to whip out a catapultcanal and ferals from steel bridges. Right without that stealthy look around to check Iwhere they can be seen by people and often wasnt spotted, felt weird. Like the liberationunable or not caring to retrieve, let alone use of a secret nudist suddenly able to wavetheir kill.their willy on a beach where nobody isBlasting a totally tame pigeon on a path dressed. or duck on a canal where it expects to need I knew the law around slingshots was notno fear of humans, isnt hunting in any way well researched and that Slingshot Worldshape or form. It is the stu reported by the magazine and website was going to needpublic, that got Oicer Oscar on my case in to be a definitive source of that information.the first place.Some serious journalistic eort was putI get it, easy targets look fun and in for issue ones S&TL page and theres atempting but dont be that idiot that gets webpage covering it. That page has beennicked and makes the news. You do damage viewed more than fifty thousand times. Ato the whole sport of catapultry. And you lot of folks have looked this up, seekingwill get the weight of the law upon you. All answers. these catapults pictured are police seizures. And I know that both regular folks andI can tell you that the manufacturing brands members of the police have looked at it,despise these customers.because I got an email. We can call himSo dont be a dork. (And dont kill stu oicer Oscar: I was thrilled, feeling this event would bewith stones)the ultimate S&TL feature. A catapult version Hi, Im wondering if you could point me in theof the young oenders mechanics courses. direction of someone or some guides about how to runThe kind young TWOCers get sent on. Truly, an event/club? I look after a local policing team and thereSlingshots and The Law as in the Police.have been some problems with wildlife being attacked bySadly, despite my immediately sending slingshots. I would like to organise an event, with somehim a risk assessment and also lining up prizes, to engage people in the area about how a slingshotpotential sponsorship of free kit to use, he can be a fun activity when done safely and professionally.had to admit there were hurdles in the way Im hoping that if I can provide somewhere with someof the event and it was not to be.targets I can reduce the improper use of slingshots.Yet the whole reason he had been in Thanks, Oscar touch was idiots harming wildlife. And that 064SlingshotWorld064 SSW006 Law.indd 64 06/11/2022 16:44'