b'BARNETTS BACK!picture if you will a little factory. Its 1962But now we are at the factory and athat he imitated on Skype.in Willenhall in the Black Country andyoung David, aged just eight has beenDavid admitted that he was so frightened Davids dad has set up his companygiven a slingshot. An American one boughtthat he all but poohed himself. He went and making crossbows. He himself had been afor him by his dad. He has practicedtold his dad and Bernard said, Thatd be dangerous young man and made his firstexcitedly with it in the alley and now hesKing Rat, son.properly lethal crossbow aged just 14. Histaking aim at a rat. David has had a recurring nightmare friend saw how evilly it shot and asked himWHIZZ THUD! The primitive joyousabout it ever since. And that recurring to make him one. It seemed like a goodtriumph of the hunter. That throwback,nightmare is why rats and their killing idea to advertise in the Exchange & Martcaveman thing wasnt anything David knewseemed to feature so strongly on the Black magazine. A major weekly back then. Salesabout. He was just totally incandescent.Widow and Diablos packaging graphics grew from one a month to one a week, thenHopping out from behind the bin he haddown the years.it went mad. The whole business exploded. hidden behind, he went to grab his kill byAnd now, after two decades there is to be This is just as well, since in his youth,the tail to go and show his dad. a whole new range of Barnett slingshots, times had been harder and Bernard hadBut as he reached for the bloodied deaddesigned by David himself. Coming to the been a genuine contributor to the familysrat, a bigger, no a HUGE rat appeared,UK in 2023, we have had a deeply privileged larder. They ate rabbit, hare and pheasant.its ugly half-bald face slashed with scars.first sneak peek at them.Grandma was a no-nonsense Welsh womanIt grabbed Davids smaller still-twitchingI think he wants us to help kill the memory and was always cooking up what ever gamequarry and as it saw him looming towards it,of that damn rat. This new range is called was brought home. faced David down, making a snarl-hiss noiseKING RAT Slingshots by Barnett.KING RATDOUBLE-X DIPPED TUBESIn The Rubber Boutique in this issue (p49) we talk about the taper concept of higher-speed retraction by use of cocktails of tube, complete with proof of how well it works. And Barnett have cracked that tapering energy-storage system concept with a clever single-mandrel-dual-compound tube confection.Their new Double-X tubes are dipped, not extruded, and comprise two totally dierent compounds and dip processes to provide a steeply AMBUSH conical rubber tube set with a lot of Your classic hammer-grip (no wrist brace) entry-level with the new brushed leathertaper. David knows his latex technology center-shot pouches they all have. Accurate shooting, easy carry is what they say.and was telling me a little of how Looking smart in yellow and black. these new tapered dual-compound tubes came into existence. More in common with condoms and balloons than rubber bands, its clever rubbery technology, involving racks of mandrels rather than extrusion machines.KING RAT Slingshots look wicked and I cannot wait to get my hands on one to try those new bands. Sadly, like yourself, I will have to wait until they are released.A huge thanks to David Barnett and his team for the biggest scoop in the mags history. For letting us show you this stu before it is on sale and revealing the rat-demon that has driven David Barnetts slingshot creativity BLACK WIDOW down the years.The legendary Black Widow they said and its a fact. With a foam padded wristKing RAT Slingshots, by Barnett.brace the new Widow looks modern. You get 10x Hotshot 0.38in (9.5mm) steel ballsWe will kill it for you, David.with The design that changed slingshots for ever.044SlingshotWorld043-045 SSW006 Barnett.indd 44 08/11/2022 17:15'