b'RICK STICKRABBIT: (Oryctolagus cuniculus) MAGPIE: (Pica pica) RED LEGGED PARTRIDGE:This rabbit was shot at twenty odd yards.Another to the Lee Wyld oaken fork.(Alectoris rufa)I was an inch over on the first two shotsI was walking along the disusedTaken with a classic gypsy sling, this at him then hit him just behind the leftrailway track and I could hear magpiea French as against grey legged UK eye. There were a good number of rabbitcackling noises. I got near enough bangpartridge. It was on the same paddock out that morning. Shot with my usual setunderneath it in the trees. I could just seeas I shoot the rabbits on. I could hear it up of 25/17mm Simpleshot 0.8mm latexhis head through the leaves and I hit himcalling in the paddock as I walked along and 11mm steel with the plum tree natty. under the chin. It spun out of the treethe leafy tunnel. There is a bramble patch more or less to my feet. covering the path edge to the horse paddock, and I used it as cover to stalk it. The sling is made by a lad calling himself Colt 45. It has looped 1745 Dankung dipped tubes and the same largest Cattyshack pouch because I like a big pouch, even though I shoot 11mm.Ive had rifles and shotguns and missing with those makes you sad, but even though I can miss with my slingshot and not be as gutted if I do, it lifts my soul more than those when I get it right, somehow. Another help is my daughter Niamh. An absolute ray of sunshine. She keeps my spirits up, against all odds. Niamh is the reason I can get up happily and have the energy and drive to go out into the countryside every day.SQUIRREL: (SciurusSlingshot World would like to thank carolinensis) Rick Stick and his patient good Shot with the Lee Wyld natty. I take a fairlady for the superb pictures and to few along the disused railway lines as Icongratulate him on his shooting. The walk there almost every morning, just asmans a force of nature.its breaking light.033030-033 SSW006 On the Mooch.indd 33 06/11/2022 15:04'