b"HOW TOSCALE A FRAMEI SDUtVAll those beautiful catapults with shiny cores and gorgeous outside bits RIDOO n essence, this is either relatively simpleIeDtXUe\x0f , nDJJed 'Dnn\\. tZR. -D\\ VROd hLV EXVLneVV tR 'Dnn\\. $OO the RU eOVeendLVhO\\ FRmSOe[\x0f deSendLnJ7hLnJ LV\x0f , ZDnt tR heOS Dnd edXFDte\x0f VRtRROV Dnd VtRFN. 6R Lt LVttLnJ thDt 'Dn ZRUN XSRn \\RXU VNLOOV\x0f tRROV Dnd XUJeV. $ ORtUDtheU thDn DVNLnJ IRU DendLVhO\\ FRmSOe[theVe\x0fdeVSLtehDYLnJZLdeVtRFNV OLNe NnLIe mDNLnJ\x0f D VFDOed IUDme VtDUtVILIt\\\x10SDUtV\x10ZLth\x10mDmmRth\x10LYRU\\\x10Dnd\x10RSDOVRUtV RI e[RtLF VFDOe VtXIIV. 'Dnn\\ DOVR FDVtV ZLth D metDO SLeFe VDndZLFhed EetZeenEXLOd\x0f,ZDntedVRmethLnJ\\RXFDnOeDUnFXVtRm\x10deVLJned UeVLnV IRU the OLNeV RI -Rhn tZRXVed tR mDNe D hDndOe\x0f then LtVIURm. $nd thDt meDnV entU\\ OeYeO Ln ERth-eIIULeV Dnd RtheUV theVe dD\\V.VhDSed IRU XVe. SDUtV Dnd LnVtUXFtLRnV. :e neDUO\\ mDnDJed:ehDdtZR Vh RI&XVtRmnJeUV 2ne SLeFe RI $(%\x10/ hLJh\x10end FDUERn VteeOthDt\x0f IRU the UeVXOt LV DZeVRme. , FRXOdnt&RmSRVLteV FDnYDV mLFDUtD\x0f D thLn VODE RI FDn end XS DV D e\x18\x13\x13 (mEeUOeDI EXVhFUDItNeeS Lt tRR EDVLF DIteU DOO VZLUO\\ UeVLn ZLth VtDELOLVed SRSODU EXUO Dnd NnLIe\x0f ZhLOe D FXt\x10RXt FRUe RI DOXmLnLXm FDn,I \\RX DUe D EXLOdeU VeeNLnJ 6enVeL 'Dnn\\VDn DOXmLnLXm +edJeURZ +XnteU FRUe thDt EeFRme D VhLn\\ 'Dnn\\ 6heUZRRd VOLnJVhRt.hDOI deFDde RI VeFUetV Dnd ZLVdRm\x0f IRU IUee\x0f0Dtt 5eddLnJ JDYe me. +e ZDV LVVXe RneV 'Dnn\\VhRXOdVeOOhLVFDtDSXOtVIRUDORtZeOO\x0f heV eDUned the ULJht nRt tR VSLOO hLV JXtVmRRFheU. $V mentLRned\x0f , FRXOdnt IXOO\\ hROd mRUe thDn he DVNV Ln m\\ RSLnLRn. +LV ZRUNRn thDt VtXII. :hDt Ze ZLOO hDYe heUe ZLOO Ee'Dnn\\ EDFN\x0f VR he Ddded D Ued OLneU OD\\eU LV e[TXLVLte. theUVt dD\\ Dt the EenFh t\\Se OeVVRn. tR NeeS mRUe RI m\\ mDteULDOV IURm EeLnJ %eLnJ6OLnJVhRt:RUOd,ZDntedRXURXZLOOneedDnDOXmLnLXmFRUeDndVDnded RXt RI e[LVtenFe. +e eYen Ddded D OeVVRn tR Ee E\\ D tRS mDNeU. 6R Zhen LtVFDOe mDteULDOV Dnd SLnV. )RU RXUV\x0f the VFDOeVVSeFLDO\x0fneYeU\x10XVed\x10EeIRUe'6LnLtLDO\x10SLn FDme tR DVNLnJ IRU D VtDU tR heOS ZLth thLVDUe IURm &XVtRm &RmSRVLteV VtRU\\ Ln LVVXemDNeUV mDUN.As this is an OTT, Danny marks the band grooves on the corerst. The band grooves are carved with care, usingMy materials and a plain example of Dannys work. Beautiful! a chainsawle. This is the new DS pin with a catapult within The scales are laid atop the core and drawn Roughly cut-out scales and the core is drilled the design. around to suit the handle. to accept pins.018 SlingshotWorld018-019 SSW006 How to Scale.indd 18 06/11/2022 14:31"