b'CONTESTS: USASlingers TNG!Zander & Seth Hood, Jeremiah Cornelison and Colton Bilbrey.TENNESSEESLINGSHOT GATHERINGT A bit more chilled than our intense UK contestshe USA is a country with thewe have no such thing as not-ownedspot that has cool rock formations and highest ownership of fi rearmswilderness, continental USA is hugea famous waterfall, as well as a natural in the world. So unlike Chinaand has a well developed infrastructurepool you can swim in. This from the and say the Philippines, whereof national parks and the rangers towebsite\x1c pCummins Falls State Park is a there are few opportunitieslook after them. That means that as282-acre state park located northwest for other shooting sports, slingshotswell as being way more spread out thanof Cookeville in Jackson County in the are about novelty, fun and camaraderie.us, they do have a lot of cool venuesU.S. state of Tennessee. Its namesake, The urge to shoot a slingshot is aboutin the shape of professionally runCummins Falls, is a 75-foot waterfall, human power and skill and as we havecampgrounds. These go from full-on 48which is located on the Blackburn Fork seen in the previous two pages, evenfriendly hook up sites to wild spaces. State Scenic 4iver.qhardcore gun folks can fi nd slingshots aThe spot where this event was runIt is a beautiful place.source of gripping passion. was in Tennessee, at a site run by aHardly surprising that the people Thus any collection of #mericanscompany called Spacious Skies. One ofwho go have come to love it. The cool who are into slingshots will tend to beten massive leisure sites on the easternthing is that while the rules of the sites a bunch of quirky individuals - evenside of the US#, from Maine down to tospecifi cally ban the use of bows and more so than us Brits. #lso, whereTennessee. This one, Belle 4idge, is at aarrows (anyone seen GHOSTS on 014SlingshotWorld014-015 SSW006 TSG 2022.indd 14 06/11/2022 14:26'