b'RICK STICKRick mooches the beck most mornings. Check out that upright-instinctive grip!T his article makes fishingOften with a casual just the two todayHungry Mouths, be they furry or family, are journalism look like acomment on the social media feed, whenall titles he could wear. Rick goes oon the doddle. Angling journaliststhey really mean YEAH! - I GOT TWO!mooch at dawn and regularly returns with merely have to turn up andAnd just now and again that talent asdinner for family and ferrets alike.take pictures of fish theya hunter coincides with the talent as aI saw his photographs and wanted absolutely have to catch or they dontphotographer and you get high qualityto know more about his wide range of have a feature. But its way worse forpictures, like these. quarry and the beautiful natural wood catapult hunting. Any hunter will knowRick Stick as we shall call him, has afork catapults he favours to hunt with. that you cannot guarantee that youlldeep appreciation of the countryside andI asked for some background and then come home with quarry in the bag. Soits ways. In a large slice, he is more directlynagged him to get me some images of showing up and following a shooter forconnected to the land than most. Thewhere he huntsOn The Mooch means that I must fix upMoocher, The Game Taker, The Feeder OfThe rest is by him.a time with someone who absolutely can deliver quarry on demand! And that canThe paddock is alongside the beck, be di icult. and attracts many quarry species.However, just like the shooters with poetry in their soul, who feed our catty-art pages with beautiful images of slingshots arranged artily on logs with fabulous landscape backgrounds, hunters too feel the need to make a record. Every hunting culture has an element of thanking their quarry, either by honouring of their spirit or in our simple case, appreciating their kill. Only ending a life for feeding people or ferrets. For a purpose, not simple bloodlust. And that often means the classic kill shot photograph.Images of hunters quarry, with the slingshot used to bring it down abound. 031030-033 SSW006 On the Mooch.indd 31 06/11/2022 15:04'