b'RICK STICKJAY: (Garrulus glandarius)His inquisitive nature led to his demise.Lee Wyld made this oak natural. It has Simpleshot 0.8mm black bands cut at 20/17mm taper, a Cattyshack Big Zeppelin pouch and I shoot big ammo - 11mm steel. calling to each other and thought Id tryWOOD PIGEON: (Columba I could hear three Jays in the woodit. Im a big believer in genuinely listeningpalumbus)so I concealed myself between two oakto everybody, be they old or young. I canAlthough it looks similar, this is my own trees and gave them the rabbit squeal.get useful information from anyone andnatty I made from a plum tree. Check He was the only one to come in. then use it to do my own thing. So I triedthe di erences in the grain of the wood. I never actually made one come inthis, heard him coming closer and closerI used the same 25/17mm taper of within shooting range before. But I haveto where I was hidden. Then thought ISimpleshot 0.8mm black, shooting 11mm tried it. Just like you do when shootingwill have tiny look and he got dropped.steel. It was only a fifteen yard neck shot. foxes. It works on magpies too andI shoot instinctively, with nothing butSat in a beech tree with three others, it carrion crows to an extent and yet Jaysthe same starting place on my face asdidnt know what hit it and fell without are just inquisitive. I heard three of themreference. Just look, point and shoot. flapping.The pheasants roost along the beck. I used to walk both banks with my beloved Jacko.032 SlingshotWorld030-033 SSW006 On the Mooch.indd 32 06/11/2022 15:04'