b'HOMESLING MISCELLANYCOMPS AND HOBLINSSocial Distancing didnt stop folks from having competitions with catapultsSteve Heseltine shows how folks entered competitions at home. This was FC Team Live.As Lockdown gripped, all tournaments were o\x02and several people set up home slingshot tournaments. All pretty similar, you had to make a video or go live on Facebook where you could see the target, a mirror (!) with the shooter seen pacing away in it and then a video of your performance. Comps were run by Team JCs Mark Johnson with trophies sponsored by Celtic Cattys who later took over the team. The UK Slingshot Leagues posh trophies were gifted by ProShot catapults and Mark Finch ran Finch Catapults Live Competition.Weve sling-toonist Tim Spike Davis latest. Meet a very young shooter with top stance, learn about Puck the Hoblin and feel the collectors desire for a Masai Kenyan beaded seedball slingshotSeedballs Kenya plant trees with catapults. The bands are from mining truck gasketsThe wonderful DuaneNina Wicks great grandson Harley Bryers HILDA sometimesStannard-Sears, aged threeshot a slingshot.Meet Puck. A Hoblin. He protects garden birds with acorns shot at catsCatapult ink means you are a lifer Tim Spike Davis captures that moment of slingshot guilt007007_SSW004.Our slingshot world.indd 7 30/07/2020 15:17'