b'KILLER CATTYSComing next year - The Murder Hornet! ASPS NESTTHE WHave you seen that global warming is allowing murder wasps to increase their territorial range?I the USA they have a new invasiveAsian hornet, (Vespa velutina) that is a bitJust before lockdown, I was sent a box of n speciestheyarecallingMurdersmaller, seen in Tetbury Gloucestershire,the latest goodness from WASP as these Hornets.TheGiantAsianHornetalthough please god not breeding. Yet. HAEs*neverstopliving,breathingand (Vespa mandarinia) is two inches longAnd as ever, I know you want to see justdesigning slingshots. These just make you and scary as hell. In the UK, we havewhat the latest is in deadly new species ofwant to own them. All of them.seen a terrifying invader also called theBritish WASPs. So whats new?NEW Stinger Compact: 17.95Designed for a middle fi nger-grip, this is a slightly longer, easier to hold Stinger. A totally new mould tool. It has 24mm wide forks so you can fi t hunting bands. It has an 86mm total top width, is 99mm long and has a 38mm fork gap. Very pocketable and seen here in fi ve cool colours. Defi nitely an improvement.* Hairy Arsed Engineers040 SlingshotWorldSSW004.40-41.Wasps-Nest.indd 40 01/08/2020 15:07'