b'LAY-Z SHOT - BALL RACE HOW TO:MAKE AN AUTO\x1fRETURN CATCH BOXIF AT FIRST YOU FAIL ABJECTLY, SIMPLY STEAL AN IDEA AND WORK ON THAT, INSTEAD.You need a water cooler J ust imagine for a moment, abottle. I paid 6 each when getting three but shipping slingshot world without rusty balls. took them to 11 each Di\x08 icult isnt it? If you leavedelivered.steel balls in your catch box even overnight after a session, they getYou need two wire coat rusted by dew or ruined by rain. hangers, pliers to cut and Some folks are religious in collectingbend them and weighty fabric their ammo afterwards. Most of us, though,to hang up.have rusty steel balls everywhere. Including places like clothes washing machines,You need B&Q Miniflo 50mm straight pipes, bends, where they shouldnt be. Or rolling slowlyjoiners and pipe brackets. And you need a magic to a halt, somewhere deep in your cars2.34 ingredient. The Rubber Boss Adaptor Black monocoque after the engine stops. 40mm ( sku 5055 1499 20813) This rubber collar What if your catch box caught the ammojoins the bottles neck to the first bend adaptor of the and then auto-returned it? Delivered it backpipe system and is my sole stroke of AAAAHHHHH! to the ammo pot at your side? I have seenin this whole thing.clever wooden designs online that do. Big boxes with sloping floors and gutters in front that run down to an ammo pot. But what about easy and a\x08 ordable?Long before lockdown, I went to IKEA for doormats and a slatted box. I spent 29 on parts at B&Q and worked hard lining it. A sloping gutter and six metres of drainage pipes connected up to return the balls. I felt dead clever. Then, I tested it.The balls trundled back down the pipes to plop into a funnel stuck in the top of myThe bottles seams will guide you to drill perfectly ammo pot as long as they hit the spinnerdiametrically opposing holes to hang it on an low. Otherwise, all shots were savageuntwisted-then-re-twisted coat hanger passed through ricochets. Total and utter fail. inside. Drill two more holes behind to fit a curtain track Then, GZK China posted a collectingwire cut from another hanger. Bits of hanger wire as catch box on Facebook made from a waterstaples will hold multiple fabric cooler bottle. Using the inverted shape tolayers together, just thread onto collect the balls and drop them into histhe curtain track.ammo pot so I stole his idea.While I was puzzling how to mount it,Both the pleather and the Titanium spinners did bounce MeJulie suggested wire coat hangers. Likeout a bit and I ruined the fabric I hung up but thats just the Russians using a pencil in space ratherinnards. This works. The balls trundle and it sounds hilarious than million-dollar space pens. on video. LAZY! 056 SlingshotWorld056_SSW004 make a return catchy.indd 56 31/07/2020 13:41'