b'SSFThe Juniors shot better than some grown ups!THEThere can be only ONE fi rst-ever Scots champion of the SSF!T he end of August 2019 saw theasking around though, it seemed that theswinging on their tripods over fires and Scotland Slingshot Federationsright heads were coming. It could be a casegorgeous hillside views, the weather took a (SSFs) maiden championship.of quality of shooter over quantity, puttingpositive turn. Finally a sign from the Catty Held in a wet but wonderfulour minds at ease - a bit. Gods!Lanarkshire beside a ScottishSetting up a hunters course can be trickyA healthy fifty-odd shooters had river, this shoot welcomed the hometo ensure safety. You need to make certaingathered in our Scottish glen ready to nations slingshot heavyweights to battleyoure not aiming towards fellow shootersembark on an authentic, challenging it out to become Scotlands first o icialaround the course and that any waywardhunters course. Groups of five shooters champion. Which trophy bestowed theshots are hitting back stops, not otherfaced a range of distances up to 35m prestige of owning a piece of catapultcompetitors. and as close as 3m on thirty various-history and also full bragging rights, asBritish weather can be ropey at thesized and ranged discs. Targets were nobody can ever be the first championbest of times and campers arriving on theeven submerged in the fast flowing wee again. Friday were greeted by a brutal Scottishburn - thats Scots for stream. That made A lot of graft takes place behind thedownpour that wouldnt relent untilan interesting sound as shots were fired scenes in the run up to a shoot. Being ourSaturday morning. Huddled up underthrough, simulating nailing a trouts head in first, we had the luxury of leaning on theflapping gazebos and nestling arounda shallow brook. (Not that anybody would ESF for advice and guidance to ensure wecampfires and cast iron cooking pots, asever do that, of course!)could make it the best it could possibly be.bowls of hearty venison stew were handedThree shots max per target. Points As with any event, fronting the funds for theout, peoples spirits were not dampened.were awarded at three for a hit on the venue, trophies, toilet hire, the fabricationHunting tales, jokes and general slingshotfirst shot, two on the second and one for and painting of targets and general adminchat were exchanged until the early hours,a last shot hit. There were a turbulent few equipment is a daunting prospect. Theresas well as occasional plinking in the dark atmoments as the weather changed briefly no guarantee of recouping any of the initiala practice range that had been set up. for the worse. High winds and sideways outlay. In the weeks beforehand, fear wasAs more faces arrived in the morning, torain caused outstretched bands to vibrate creeping in that it might be a flop. Afterthe smell of bacon frying in cast iron pansuncontrollably. Hunters will know that 014SlingshotWorld014-015_SSW004 SSF by Batz.indd 14 30/07/2020 15:41'