b'INTO AN ADVENTUREunphotogenic due to major instant lights-out head trauma from the mere 8.7mm. The aforementioned airgun mags also have to walk a tightrope when showing quarry kill shots. The second pigeon had a good side remaining for what John Je ries once ably described as a picture that showed some respect for the quarry, when telling people ofor posting gore.It was fascinating for me to see Lee shoot and to take that aiminatcha image. You learn a lot about a shooter when they line that up. And I was way too close for Lee.As you know what? For all that absolutely lethal kill rate of shots taken for quarry harvested, I reckon Lee shoots purely instinctively. The frame becomes part of him, which is why he had to change back to the one with the better muscle memory.The Scarface Slingshot mooching bags are a good size and he is getting bigger ones too that will hold more game. Expect to hear more from Scarface Slingshot. There is even a small event being held by him and his primos, which will have happened by the time you read this.I wish Lee every success and a massive thanks for letting me come with on his mooch.https://www.facebook.com/scarfaceslingshot/033030-033_SSW004 on the Mooch.indd 33 02/08/2020 14:23'