b'SIMPLE SIGHTS: SHOOTING AIDSIGHT RIGHT Psychophysics! From Las Vegas, known to be in uenced by T hese have been with usArea 51, we bring you user experiences of the SightRight Cardsince issue one due to the awesomeness of mad scientist Brian The Brain Arevelo. It is the most popular free cover gift and also gets purchased from the online shop in its own right. After my take on them, it is de nitely time to hear from end users.First, rising star shooter Chloe Dighton. Dad Keith said, My daughter has used one and really likes it A second Brian, (Parslow) said: Therst and most important part of this great little gadget is its for multi range use. Those that always stay at exactly 10m may notnd the bene ts of it that I enjoy. Asbeady eyed woodies having the tacticalidentifying levels, lines, angles, colours a constant learning curve, I swap targetadvantage. I feel this product is beautifullyand distances, on a deep subconscious distances at least three to four times in asimple, weather resistant, doesnt relylevel as yet unfathomable by computers. session. And I dont mean shoot a targeton batteries and can be cheaply andWith a SightRight the brain will assess ten times and then move. I will go 10m,easily replaced at a moments notice. Itsthe corner angles, top line and coloured 15m, 18m, constantly swapping distances.good for training and real world huntingtriangles to determine if the angle is level. I shoot OTT which this is perfect for, beingapplications. I would give this 10/10 forThe coloured triangles can then be used as most OTT dont have sighting dimps. Itoriginality, design and function. as further reference for shot placement/has been a massive help when doing thisdistance reference. It looks just like a and I have to say on the hunting side ofSight Right is based on the targeting/ sight but is subtly a little bit more. Keep things, not everyone has the skill to stalk toaiming science of psychophysics. ItShooting straight! Brian.that 10m distance all the time. Sometimesmakes use of neuroscience, to do withhttps://www.facebook.com/Sight-the 10m that most are used to and train fortarget imaging and object recognition,Right-255454891668013/in the back garden isnt applicable, due to 053053_SSW004 sight right.indd 53 02/08/2020 22:13'