b'TURN A WALK INTO AN ADVENTUREI reckon Lee shoots purely instinctively. The frame becomes a part of him.A irgun magazines havelethal cats of all at 60%. But I neededand other stuas well. Calling himself hunting features in them.100% from my predator. A moochScarface Slingshot, I was a bit taken Fishing magazines havecannot always result in a successfulaback as it sounded a bit like Sling star anglers going outhunt but this time I knew the magazineCity Kid gone psycho. Riots and civil catching fish. The moneyhad to deliver. No quarry, no feature. disobedience isnt this mags thing.shot for these articles is a fish in theI sought feral pigeon clearing inLee Scarface Grover is the net or quarry on the deck. With fishingfarm buildings, which would have beenbloke and despite a literally bloody and airguns, this is something that cana bit industrial but still interesting asawfulness some years back that has be reliably served up by experts for thecatapults dont need to make holes inleft him with those scars, he now looks cameras. However, like all predators,shed roofs like airguns will if they miss.kinda Hollywood rugged. A few inches catapult hunters have a rate ofI know some absolutely awesomeup and he would have been blinded.success. I think that catapult huntinghunters who have a better rate thanWe both know the damn script of the is way more skilful and challengingBlack Footed cats. But we were still on1983 Brian De Palma film, directed by than either air-gunnery or conning alockdown and a hotel night would beOliver Stone. And I cant resist non-PC massive mud pig of a fish. needed for doing a feature far away. banter. We got on like a burning barn.Lions hunts have a success rateAnd then, I was contacted by TheLee met me at a designated spot on of just 17% by day, 30% by night. TinyNew Guy. He is a bandset maker start- the edge of his demesne and I trailed cute Black Footed cats are the mostup with an urge to sell mooching bagshim with cameras akimbo. It was clear 031030-033_SSW004 on the Mooch.indd 31 02/08/2020 14:23'