b'CLUB CALLMUSCOVITES AND FRANKSThe French get traction with their slingshot scene AND an actual bricks and mortar club in RUSSIAWell run, looks awesome. Sponsored by www.yshoot.comEvent promo billSuddenly, to the deep and utter jealousy of at least two people I know, who would LOVE to be boss of this place, First, from Jean Franois Andrieux,French. Ditto for the championships ina proper club has opened. In Moscow. president of the Club de Tir -England or Spain. We want to fix that.Like a nightclub, but a slingshot range SlingshotProvence. (Nick Privet did - see the ESF feature onat a shopping mall - with room to The Shooting Club - Slingshot -pages 34/35 Ed.) entertain and socialise. Konstantin is Provence is the second French catapultThe 1st Championnat de France dethe enthusiast who has businessmen association. Our goal is to connectTir au Lance Pierre 2019 is to be held onfriends who have invested. It looks the with as many people as possible inNovember 9th in the South of France,absolute best purpose built range in the neighbouring countries like Italy, Spainat: Avenue De Garessio, Gymnaseworld. Slingshot Club - Rogatka. Address: and England. In 2018, the first worldMunicipal, 83670 Barjols. Moscow, 7th Kozhukhovskaya Street, 9, championships appeared in Italy with 24Facebook Page for events: CompetitionSEC Mosaic, 2nd floor.countries and 200 participants but node TIR Lance-Pierre - France www.slingshotclub-mozaika.ruFabulous well lit range with a club atmos up the front064 SlingshotWorldSSW003.64.clubcall.indd 64 05/09/2019 17:18'