b'CATTY RANGEMake and Take. First, you sand the tips and fi t bands(I helped a bit)Best outdoor catapult range ever built in the UK or anywhereI think he likes the Axiom OcularisThen, you shoot it with tuition from Mark Clark, the best. He was awesomeThe sta\x1fmove into the venue in a fullyto shoot through at the corners, whichRichard and Cara ran the band stand and serviced compound of cabins, laundry,got stu\x1f ed with more straw, it wasMake & Take with expertise and nattys. TV masts and kitchens, like a UK safariimpregnable. Once said corners wereA lovely couple.for three months before and one monthstu\x1f ed, the only concern was making afterwards to set it up. Then, a smallsure that the re-baler knew they town is built. had steel balls in them and to keep I was telephoned by the showlivestock and people away from the manager, who had found us online andbusiness end when re-baling.asked if we fancied running a catapultWe had an amazing show. It was a range and a Make & Take slingshot thingmassive learning experience and in that in the Kids Zone of this massive show? weather, the absurd 30C plus spike, this I said yes like You had me at Hellofat man got dehydrated and heat struck and was utterly thrilled and said so. Iand so Mark and Rich and the girls ranLeigh and Mark ran the went to my site meeting in due course,the show without me on the Saturday,range, a HUGE thank fresh from the deeply foolish cars- which I felt rotten about all day. you for fabulousness.parked-behind-the-slingshot-rangeBut the main plot is, Mark taught 250 incident at the BushCraft Show. (I waskids to shoot a slingshot, Rich sold lots dumbfounded, to be honest and cannotof bands and a lot of kids had a brilliant print my thoughts on this.) time, no matter how old they looked.My fears of fliers were quashed atAnd we have been asked back for the meeting, when said awesome showRagley Hall next year.manager, who had shot catapults inA HUGE thanks to The Game Fair her youth - which helped - immediatelybuild crew and Regina in particular, who o\x1f ered to build us a slingshot rangewas a complete star. So incredibly many of bales of hay and to top it o\x1fwithpeople to deal with and yet seemingly netting. Apart from gaps thin enoughalways easy to get hold of. Awesome.025SSW003.24-25.Game Fair.indd 25 06/09/2019 10:20'