b'SLINGSHOT CELEBRITYACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITYOur Slingshot World is populated by awesome people. Meet Mr. Frank Wass (pronounced Woss) and Mr. , or CHEN FEI, who goes by net nameor GZKMy language skills lack Chinese, so I emailed questions to GZK. Here are his replies.My name is , CHEN FEI. In China, shooters prefer to use a net name. Mine is , its acronym is GZK - easier for westerners toremember.Chinesecitizensarestrictly FrankWass,achapwhosenameImispronounceduntilheforbidden to hold guns or use crossbows but eventually corrected me, is second generation catapult aristocracyordinary bows and slingshots can be used and has raised a third in his grown up son. For both he and Jameswhile ensuring safety.are well known at the shoots and regular readers will have seenSlingshot competitions started in China his picture in the magazine before. (Pp12/13 Issue 1) in 2000. Formal large-scale competition Franks father before him was the original influence. I madedid not exist until the Chinese Slingshot a video at his home, not more than twenty miles from Bungay.CompetitionAssociationin2013,the Thats where Bungay catapults, the oldest British slingshot brandpredecessor of CSCC. (Chinese Slingshot I know, is from. We looked at the frames he has had literally sinceClubChampionsLeague).Noprecise he was a boy as well as his dads old Bungay frame. statistics but we estimate more than 200 clubs. Frank was just 23 when he got his first Head Keepers role.At least a million regular slingshot shooters, not including many An unprecedented thing for one so young. But he knows moremore solitary addicts.about the secrets of gamekeeper lore than anyone. More aboutI started shooting in 2007, making my own slingshots, sharing the quarry, their origins and lives and is firm about the two kindsmy experiences online. In 2012, I introduced flat bands to Chinese of partridge, referring to the Grey (Perdix perdix) partridge asshooters.In2017IlaunchedmyGZKCHINAwebsiteand the English partridge. The upstart red legged kind originateFacebook page.from central Europe. GZK is a lucky dog. I graduated from Communication University As a shot, Frank is able to pull o\x1fabsurd things and althoughof China, majoring in media. Being in charge of foreign a\x1f airs for the seeming to be very deliberate, he is deep into that instinctualCSCC, GZK has international opportunities and responsibilities, zone of aiming. Something he has done man and boy for longersuch as the World Cup in Italy and the ESF Cheltenham shoot than many readers have been alive. He shot a Tictac mint atwhich were enjoyable.sixty six feet (20m), one ball widths wide, third shot. POW! ThisOTT is the way most Chinese shooters go, however as more top means that while he loves to go to shoots for the social sideshooters try, TTF is becoming popular.and talking slingshots with fellow experts, he tends to comeAlmost all wildlife in China is protected by law and unauthorised home with trophies. hunting is illegal. Of course not every slingshot hunt is caught and Then leaves them under the sideboard, gathering dust. punished so there are still a lot of slingshot hunters. Since the I barely scratched the surface with my interview and therebands of most Chinese shooters are light (with steel balls under is a lifetime of experience and tales yet to tell. A true lifelong10mm) there are few people who can hunt rabbits.elder statesman of catapults and a British country man ofI usually use .45 GZKBAND for target shooting, which is the the the old school. most widely used thickness of band in competitions in China and I cut 22-14 150 for my GZK TTF catapult, shooting with 8mm steel.049049_SSW003.AccessAllAreas.indd 49 05/09/2019 16:53'