b'PRODUCT REVIEWCHINESE BIG POWAAA SLINGS! Amassive power slings.recent estimate of slingshooters in China was numbered at 700,000 active competitors and 20When people ask for a powerful slingshot, they really mean million slingshots sold! It sounds preposterous butone that can take a big pull bandset as after all, the power its just a tiny part of their 1.4 billion population.comes to the projectile via your muscles energy being stored Their only permitted shooting sport, it means thatslowly and let out explosively. From this mornings bacon and the Chinese lead in terms of new slingshot technology andeggs or that last bag of chips.designs. Theres just so many people there who care about theWith fast modern flat bands, big power simply means wide sport. Last issue we reviewed some terrible tat as well as sometips to affix them. Here, we have two mighty 29mm wide no-tie good frames. This time, forget the tat, lets take a look at sometips. One an OTT design and one a TTF-plus-sight.018SlingshotWorldSSW003.18-19.chinese slings.indd 18 05/09/2019 15:25'