b'INTO AN ADVENTURETo sally forthMoving cautiously sidewaysSquirrel heavenwhen the buck had his head down grazing, to get behind the next tree to advance behind, in a careful zig zag. I was SO not going to the one that spooked him. As we got closer, I took another video clip, just in case. Then we got closer again and Mark got to within fifteen yards in the end. I even went over there, at one oclock! Be careful notlive on the Facebook page as we had to spook him but come over here and I4G! The violin-squeak of fence wire in a will show you. Only he was a hundredfencepost staple as he put weight on it to yards away and he had not spoken across, finally spooking our buck.word but had simply slipped into huntersBut the whole wood was asleep in non-verbal, like a Kalahari Bushman, rightthe warmth of the August sunlight. The down to the hand signal of small antlers,rain had finished, everybody had stu\x1f ed by bringing his hands up to his bonce.their faces and would not come out I immediately got that and went intoagain until tea time. The woods were sneakier mode, with reference to wherewarm and humid and smelled to heaven. he was indicating. Like an elephant in theThat leaf litter aroma like patchouli and jungle, big fat bloke in squashy moccasinautumn, with just the hint of a noble like boots could actually move silently. Imushroomy rottenness.carefully caught up and couldnt believeWe took pictures. I challenged Mark how good he was at seeing that targetto some live, unrehearsed, no edits, oneWe stalked the roe buckimage at the limit of visible range. We hadtake trick shots and he was just absurdly the breeze in our face. So, after making agood, shooting a 2mm wide flower stem mad 17x full zoom video clip, to show howwith an 8mm ball at twelve feet. YouCan you see the squirrel?far it was, the stalk was ON! kinda have to see that on the video.This was an exercise in proper UKIt was a really cool day out and to be bushcraft. And I do not mean carving ahonest, that bit of instant hunter-bonding spoon. I mean sneaking RIGHT up on athat went on twixt me and Mark as a wary wild deer because you are moreresult of the roebuck stalk, was bloody cunning than their caution can cope with.brilliant. It was irrelevant that we were not Had we been rifle hunters, he would havedeer hunters. It was deeply satisfying to been harvested. Obviously, this was justthat primitive bit of my hindbrain and felt us testing skills. like a little adventure.I hung back as Mark went ahead.Good mooch.033SSW003.32-33.On The Mooch - Mark Clark.indd 33 05/09/2019 16:20'