b'UKS BIGGESTENGLAND SLINGSHOT FEDERATION TRIUMPH!The England Slingshot Federation held their fi rst event against the odds and prevailed! A troll tried to kill it, so it all went a bit hectic behind the scenes as the committee had to fi nd a NEW venue and yet keep it a SECRET!Icancelled on the ESF with very short notice.admit that my first ever shoot, in Andover was something I was nervousRather than let this mindless sad troll get about attending. Lots of new peopleany oxygen, it was decided to simply book and I was a noob. My fears wereanother venue and keep it schtumm. That unfounded as I found the scene to bewas say nothing, yet fix itwelcoming and great fun. I was heartsickThere are a few people on the ESF when I mislaid my frame - a bright orangecommittee but has to be said that certain G10 mule from Martin Whippet. But it hadheroes did things behind the scenes that been found where I dropped it and I waswere above and beyond the call of duty. reunited with it. Even with the partying atKeith Dighton put blood, sweat and tears night on the campsite, it was always lessinto the finding, wooing and booking of a hectic than the car shows I used to go tonew venue. It so happened that the place which were guaranteed to have a real needhe found, same town, same day, had an of rugged security bods. This scene had aarchery event cancellation and we were in!proper family atmosphere to it, with kidsIt was kept secret until the last moment,The Future of UK Sllingshooting. running happily amok, climbing trees andand yours truly was the press o\x1f icer. INote the awesome AIM!their own juniors event. wanted the venue change announcement So when some idiot wrote a poisonto be detailed. They said keep it simpleThats selflessness on a high level and it pen letter to the ESF Spring shoot venueand I think they were right. The nextwasnt done for thanks, just give-a-damn. and the local council and the local police,morning Mark Clark spent hours outsideRespect.(thrice damned) claiming that there wasthe old venue to direct people to the newBack at the venue it was awesome. going to be planned unpleasantness at theone, who had not seen the last minuteHeaving with over 200 shooters. We were shoot, said venue, (in one town known forannouncement. He missed most of hispacked in! ProShot and WASP had tables being terribly posh - Cheltenham) promptlyshoot and this stu\x1fruns deep for him.upstairs, the magazine stall was inside 014SlingshotWorld014-015_SSW003.ESF Cheltenham.indd 14 06/09/2019 10:14'