b'SIMPLE SIGHTS: SHOOTING AIDSIGHT RIGHT Psychophysics! From Sin City and maybe with in uence from Area 51, we bring you the now cult item - the SightRight CardS ightRight looks like a clearI had hit my 80mm WASP spinner at plastic credit card with20m in the third shot. And then to my four different width sets ofgenuine happy surprise, I did it the next rectangles in grids, tipped withshot, too.tiny triangles in a black/red/ Ammunition in two sizes and green sequence. Each of the four setsSightRight cards are our cover-mount of reticules are aim points that show infree gift choices. The card is the most a column when used with an OTT framepopular. They sell for a quid and you held sideways - or gangster and sitcan cut down the card to make as many above a 6x6 grid of rectangles. Theseas six sets of sights.vary in size, with 15mm, 20mm, 25mmSight Right is based on the and 30mm wide grids, allowing them totargeting/aiming science oft different width tips. The triangles arepsychophysics. It makes use of all the same size. So you get eight on the 15mm, ten on the 20mm, twelve onthe sight sits proud of your frame. Theneuroscience, to do with target imaging the 25mm andfteen on the 30mm. rectangles help line it up and keep itand object recognition, identifying Take a sharp pair of scissors and cutsquare-on. levels, lines, angles, colours and out your frames correct width grid. BindThere are those who decrybre opticdistances, on a deep subconscious level or clip it to the uppermost tip of yoursights, lasers and stuff like SightRightas yet unfathomable by computers. slingshot. For a right hand holder, thatsbut also plenty who are keen to takeWith a SightRight the brain will assess a right tip and vice-versa for a left handany help they can get, me included.the corner angles, top line and coloured grip. If wrap and tuck, you can includeThus, along with the deeply cunningtriangles to determine if the angle is itrst or for deep tip-grooved designs,Pinch Pouch in skinny shaved kangaroolevel. The coloured triangles can then bind it on after the bands. That way, youleather, I bound one onto the brandbe used as further reference for shot wont bend the SightRight. I carefullynew Bandolero by Performanceplacement/distance reference. It looks trim a curve around the corners, usingCatapults. (see page 42) This pouchjust like a sight but is subtly a little bit a triangle as guide and then delicatelycures my release inconsistencies.more. Keep Shooting straight! Brian. Bandolero is a subtle but geniushttps://www.facebook.com/Sight- ame-polish the edge to avoid any band damage. You choose the amountdesign and with the SightRighttted,Right-255454891668013/facebook: Sight RightAvailable Thru:053SSW003 sight right/aiming advice.indd 53 03/09/2019 14:28'