b"HOW TO MAKE ITBELAY THAT!Mountaineers depend upon them and so can you, with a little effortW hen you get intodoes not fDll Yery fDr. :hiFh is Zhy theyZhiFh is Zhy it hDs tDNen until issue fiYe catapults and doDre rDted to \x16\x18Nn or Nilo neZtons\x0f Dto do this.some Internet surfinJ\x0fmeDsure of forFe rDther thDn ZeiJht. $I sought someone handy on the you will see thesefiJure eiJht EelDy is D Eit of Dlly thDt istools Zho miJht NnoZ. $ SreFision things made fromdeDd Drd Ey nDture. $ll Ze need to doenJineerinJ firm Zho used the sDme D fiJure eiJht desFender. &limEinJis NnoZ ZhDt Ze Dre doinJ \x10 Dnd I dont\x0flathe that made props for Star Wars and eTuiSment used in DEseilinJ\x0f they DreIndiDnD -ones.Dlso NnoZn Ds EelDys Dnd they Dre YeryI ZDs sent D set of &hinese round tiS popular in our world as they are wellfi[inJs. 7o my shDme I FDnnot reFDll if it made yet cheap and easy to turn into aZDs :u -im\x0f 2r -inSinJ 'Di\x0f or &hen )ei\x0f slinJshot. from -ust 6hoot It\x0f 6niSer6linJ or *=. %elDyinJ is $ YDriety of teFhniTuesEut I NnoZ it is D Fommon fi[inJ method FlimEers use to FreDte friFtion ZithinDnd thus D Fommon DFFessory. 7hDnNs D FlimEinJ system\x0f SDrtiFulDrly on DmDte\x04 I Dm Sersistent I hDYe hDd these FlimEinJ roSe\x0f so thDt D fDllinJ FlimEeroYer D yeDr.Pic 1: Chinese round-tip quick fix system Pic 2: Square Eight Belay, wrapped only Pic 3: Top sliced o, time to tap a threadPic 4: Precision engineered threaded hole Pic 5: Looking good as finished item Pic 6: Banded with Theraband and pinch pouch - it turned out to be deadly easy to aim!056SlingshotWorldSSW005 Belay Catty.indd 56 29/11/2021 11:36"