b'SCREAMIN DEMONSI sent some out to testers and SCREAMIN DEMONS heard nothing from them, either!This April Fools joke resulted in many angry people, who immediately wanted supply of real ammo that screams! Jerg Sprave made a video on the subject and showed a version he had made. I made a post on April 1st, called SCREAMIN DEMONS! In which I announced that whistling ammo was to be a new product on the shop. My inbox went crazy. It was the most successful April Fools jape of my career.But what if? I looked and sourced these domed cap-nuts. They make a nasty little ammo item but Iwantedawhistle!DoScreaminDemonsreally exist?I shot them as fast as I could and failed to get anything I could hear as shooter. Videoing down-range as Captain Albatross shoots past camera may reveal more.or hit the Shop Now button on Facebook to buy this stu .) My ammo release was always bad, (I use a pinch pouch now) so the archery method fascinates me. I found the new magnetic pouches and release rather tricky to master but once I worked out which waytoboltthetriggeron,foundthecombowas capable of pinpoint accuracy. Archers used to using onemayenjoyslingingthisway.Pouchesare$3 each, a release is $15. Two pouch sizes; SM1 at 5.8g or the SM2 at 7.8g, with holes for tubes. Both grip 9 to 14mm steels.How about pure evil on an arrow nock? ONLY for shootingwithanarmouredglove($5)andhand-protectingslingshotdesignlikeSaundersWing, these are new 180mm hunting darts made solely for slingshots.Unlikeheavyall-steelfishdartsorthe totally cool carbon fibre slingdarts from Snipersling,they dont have a normal point but a razor sharpEither twin 45mm broadhead arrow point with a notch for askinny tubes, or dart-shooting string. An aluminium tube body, easyelse a fl at band grip butt end and real turkey feather vanes completeshoved though the deadly killing package. They are a weighty flingthe tiny hole!at 20g, but ye gods they cut and penetrate! A truly terrifyingandnastyprojectile.Genuinelywicked. Five for $24, ten for $47. Hunting with broadheads is illegal in the UK.A whole new What? Propershooting-release Fu**ed? technique.Sniperslings target dart Vs. GZKs Killer Broadhead (Seriously, just dont.)Precision-engineered sling shooting!055054-055 SSW005 darts and screamers.indd 55 29/11/2021 11:26'