b'FISH SHOOTER764832105 19Absolutely everything you need for sling dart fishing. Just add fish.hole in the shroud Dnd D Sin system is used to SiFN uS line inside\x0f rDther thDn D EDil Drm. 7his is the only Nind of fi [ed sSool thDt Surists rDte for lonJ\x10trottinJ insteDd of D Fentre Sin. 7hDt is ZhenAlibaba lyjahw.en.alibaba.com putshing set in the search.you let DoDt trot doZnstreDm DZDy from you. It$49.90 (with bag) plus $34.67 Fed Ex to UK (roughly, $85 = 63) + any import fees.must not hDYe Dny resistDnFe or your EDit lifts inThe Gong Niu (Bull Sling) Tribe sling dartshing sets comprise:the ZDter. /iNeZise\x0f D deSDrtinJ fi sh dDrt reTuires smoothlinereleDse.7hereelstrDSsontoyour1) Bumped-Belly ribbon-wrapped ball-holder tube slingshotSouFh\x10hDnds Zrist\x0f Zith the Drmoured JloYe Zorn2) Gong Niu Tribe armoured glove (left or right hand speci ed at time of purchase)on the frDme\x10holdinJ hDnd. It looNs EDdDss. 3) Gong Niu Tribe embossed leather reel strap7hDt reel is D FDreful SieFe of desiJn thDt -DFN is4) Gong Niu Tribe closed face reel c/w braided line and velvet drawstring bagSroud of. I loYe the enJrDYinJ\x04 7he Zhole system5) Two tube-based normal-pouch bandsets with ballxing insertsDssemEled is ErilliDntly FomSrehensiYe Dnd eYery6)Two dart bandsets - cocktail tubes, ballxing inserts, dart nock strapsinJlesetFontDinedDloYelye[trD.$&hinese7) Oblong tin withve darts, two types of barb systemEeDd ErDFelet. 8) Two extra ball-shaped turned dart-ends for more comfortable drawing back of the dartsI tested in D ZoodlDnd settinJ\x0f DlthouJh I do SlDn9) Pair of polarising sunglasses to allow you to see through the waters surface easily.to Jo muller D mullet. I oZn Dn (26 \x0b(DJle of 6niSer\x0c10) A pair of one-size- ts-all white cloth gloves for holding the dart endsthDt hDs D ErDFe Dnd uses D EDll fi [inJ so I Sushed* Free bracelet sent with our setsD sliJhtly lDrJer EDll into the tuEe to fi t\x0f usinJ DMade 100% for sling-dart fishing!tool I ZDs sent Ey *=. Dnd ZDs soon shootinJ. It tooN D feZ shots to relD[ Dnd Jet the hDnJ of it\x0f fi ndinJ it ZDs DstonishinJly fDst Dnd the dDrt DFted Ds if there ZDs no resistDnFe. 2nFe\x0f I EounFed off the tDrJet forty feet DZDy Dnd it Zent onZDrds\x0f uSZDrds into D tree\x04 7he rDnJe is not limited Dnd SenetrDtinJ SoZer is seriously dDnJerous. 7hose sunJlDsses mDNe Dn DmD]inJ differenFe. I use D rotDry SolDriser on my +DndyFDm Dnd you FDn see the surfDFe JlDre disDSSeDr Dnd the fi sh DSSeDr Ds you rotDte it. It is Dll indiFDtiYe of D Zhole solution DSSroDFh to the FreDtion of this set.I loYe it\x04013012-013 SW005 fishing rig.indd 13 26/11/2021 11:05'