b'STAYN TARGET Magnetic Knockdowns the bull three times and then missing theAIMnext few shots entirely is no good in terms of competitive shooting. You would be better omissing the bull altogether and keep hitting the 8 ring seven times which is a much bigger target than the bull, giving you an overall better score whilst in fact hitting a bigger target.Consistency is key and its very di icult to achieve as there are many variables. But when executed correctly, true skill shines through. When hunting, a miss may as well be by a mile but in competition even a miss still needs to be close as every shot counts on paper. Keith Snr. & Keith Jnr.shooting solo or as part of a team. the majority of people that shoot a catapult Paper targets, spinners and knockare better at one or the other at any one downs do not lie. You get your set amountgiven time. It just depends on what youre of shots and that is it. Utterly unforgiving.focused on.The slightest mistake means the di erenceWhether it be a set distance target between winning and missing out on ashooting event or a hunting simulation trophy. Not a comfort zone but a highcourse, nothing can beat the feeling of pressure situation, where every shot countsshooting in front of an audience. And and if something is not perfect you onlyhearing the ting of a target on a field have yourself to blame. No excuses. Itshunters course or the thud of the last brutal. All this while being filmed, withknock down being hit. Especially when people watching and talking whilst you areits what is needed to be hit to get those on the line. It can be really daunting. Butprecious points and all the better when with great risk comes great reward. Thesepeople are there to witness.are the highs and lows of competitiveThere are those not interested in going shooting. The many hours spent on theto comps but for me anyone who shows catch box perfecting form and techniqueup to prove themselves at a comp gets my whilst tightening that grouping are worthrespect, irrespective of where they place. every second when you lift that trophy forPressure on the line and laughs when all to see. For those trophy winners whoProShot sponsored. youre o .are reading this, you will know the feeling.I have met some fantastic people at The feeling that the work has paid oandRight now, there are some trulycompetitions and the enjoyment I get youve earned it. exceptional shooters in the UK. I had thecomes from not only trying to better myself Again, why I do it is that I am not tryingpleasure of attending the Slingshot Worldand how I shoot but seeing old friends and to prove what I am capable of to othersCup in 2018 and nothing could prepare meteam mates and seeing how they have but rather to myself. I shoot against myself.for the consistency and skill of the Chinese.improved, enjoying the atmosphere and the I have nothing to prove but I still keepThey were on another level. Completelycommon goal of everyone trying to do their attending, as I love being on that line whendisciplined in not only technique butbest under pressure to see if their score is the klaxon goes and my heart starts racing.shooting under pressure. They opened mygood enough for that elusive win.Shooting with my fellow team mates to seeeyes to what could be achievable with aI enjoy filming these events for my what we can do. catapult and what was required to shoot atYoutube channel: the catapult channel (yes Tournament winning or placing topthe highest level. that was a plug) which hopefully inspires three takes a wide skill set. Being a goodThat was the moment I stopped usingmore people to take up the sport and to shot and a consistently good shot are twobig steel and heavy setups and finishedintroduce them to what it is I love. The separate things entirely. Not to mentionhunting. I wanted consistent accuracy. Fastcompetitive side, the social side and the the mental side of the sport. Shooting wellforward to today and I am shooting superskills required to do well at comps both on the line also requires complete focus.light setups. With 6mm steel balls, accuracyphysically and mentally.The sort of focus that allows you to zone inover power, consistency over speed. ImFor me thats what target shooting with on what needs to be done and relax. Ivenot trying to kill the target Im trying to hita catapult is all about and why I enjoy it so heard it being called Zen by more thanit without missing. Constantly adapting,much. Yes I could make life easier with an one person and its a state that needs to beexperimenting and improving setups toair rifle. But wheres the fun in that?tapped into to do well. make me better than I was yesterday allTil next time, So focused consistency is whatsadds to the fun. Dont get me wrong, thereStay safe and shoot straight,required when shooting at a live comp.are some people that hunt and target shoot Taking seven shots at a paper and hittingand do both really well. But I do believe thatKeith Dighton, ESF.015014-015_SSW005.Keith Dighton.indd 15 26/11/2021 11:10'