b"FAMILYANDOVERThis lot is US!THE RETURN!Always the most popular event for families and the most comfy camping weekend of the year, this is a shoot we have missed badlyE verybody who goes to theevent was booked again and held overthat I would replace their chair. I totally Andover shoots absolutely lovesthe weekend of July 31st to August 1st,failed. But Pete seemed to have forgiven it. $ EiJ oElonJ fi eld Eehind thealthough folks could arrive the Fridayme.Weyhill Fair country pub, whichafternoon, as ever. The events on offer were Tri Distance, serves food and drink to visitors,Seen as a pleasant busmans holiday forNatural, Killer, PFS and the legendary and an emporium over the road that sellsthe Hogans, the ProShot Catapult stall is aJumbo and Polo Challenges.all kinds of everything. I recall folks evenmust and acts as a sort of central point to7ri 'istDnFe is three rounds of fi Ye shots fetching barista grade coffee from there atmeet up and shop at. I admit that I trashedDt fi Ye NnoFNdoZns\x0f Dt \x14\x13m\x0f then \x14\x18m Dnd previous shoots. one of their camping chairs when I wentfi nDlly \x15\x13m\x0f Zith Muniors \x0bunder \x14\x15 yeDrs\x0c And of course, it did not happen into hang out with them at the last shoot. IshootinJ \x18m\x0f \x19m\x0f Dnd \x1am. 7he mDin JrouS 2020. But this year, thanks to the stalwarterm, sat on it and it died of it. The ladsis divided between Novice, Pro, Womens efforts of Keith Dighton and others, thelaughed their bums off at me and I sworeDnd \x14\x15\x10\x14\x18yrs -uniors FlDsses.034 SlingshotWorld034-035 SSW005 Andover Shoot.indd 34 26/11/2021 15:06"