b'16/02/2019 17:48 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 65 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 65 16/02/2019 17:48 16/02/2019 17:48 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 65065 065 065A generic shape. size for steel catapult ammo. size for steel catapult ammo. A generic shape. A generic shape. size for steel catapult ammo.brand in all UK catapult history.The generally accepted standard9.5MM 9.5MM The generally accepted standardbrand in all UK catapult history. brand in all UK catapult history. 9.5MM The generally accepted standard MILBRO The single most respected ammo. Stones are for plinking only. ammo. Stones are for plinking only. MILBRO The single most respected MILBRO The single most respected ammo. Stones are for plinking only.Hellish power & difficulty.The name used for steel ballSTEELS STEELS The name used for steel ballHellish power & difficulty. Hellish power & difficulty. STEELS The name used for steel ball extended, major wingspan method.slingshots worldwide.slingshots worldwide.extended, major wingspan method.extended, major wingspan method.slingshots worldwide. Can self-tighten. ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armselastic product that changed elastic product that changed ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armsCan self-tighten. Can self-tighten. ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armselastic product that changedway to fix a pouch to a band. frame & pouch.Theraband Gold, the new TBG TBGTheraband Gold, the new frame & pouch. way to fix a pouch to a band. way to fix a pouch to a band. frame & pouch.Theraband Gold, the new TBGCON KNOT The Constrictor Knot. A neatthe actual bandset, measured betweentiny fork gap. For nutters only. tiny fork gap. For nutters only. the actual bandset, measured betweenCON KNOT The Constrictor Knot. A neat The Constrictor Knot. A neatCON KNOT the actual bandset, measured betweentiny fork gap. For nutters only.of elastic. ACTIVE BAND LENGTH The usable length ofPFS Pickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aPFSPickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aACTIVE BAND LENGTHThe usable length ofof elastic. of elastic.The usable length ofACTIVE BAND LENGTHPickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aPFSpouches or frames with a thin strip Long arms help. Long arms help. pouches or frames with a thin strip pouches or frames with a thin strip Long arms help.WRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toaround the outer edges of the fork. around the outer edges of the fork. WRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toWRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toaround the outer edges of the fork.arms-length hold and release point.TTF Through The Forks. Bands that shootTTFThrough The Forks. Bands that shootarms-length hold and release point.arms-length hold and release point. Through The Forks. Bands that shootTTFbandset fixings. DRAW LENGTH Distance between yourDRAW LENGTH Distance between yourbandset fixings. bandset fixings. DRAW LENGTH Distance between your oblongs bound to the frame as flexibleacross the upper edge of the fork. across the upper edge of the fork. oblongs bound to the frame as flexibleoblongs bound to the frame as flexibleacross the upper edge of the fork.TABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, an er, ammer! OTT Over The Top. Bands that shootOTTOver The Top. Bands that shootan er, ammer! TABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, TABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, an er, ammer!Over The Top. Bands that shootOTTliterally in a clenched hand, like literally in a clenched hand, like literally in a clenched hand, likecatty kinds. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,See above. See above. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,catty kinds. catty kinds. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,See above.of some truly brilliant products of allgoes wrong way and shooter gets it. goes wrong way and shooter gets it. of some truly brilliant products of allof some truly brilliant products of allgoes wrong way and shooter gets it.DANKUNG Leading Chinese supplier See GKJ video!VERY rare. AmmoRETURN-TO-SENDER RETURN-TO-SENDERVERY rare. AmmoSee GKJ video! DANKUNG Leading Chinese supplierLeading Chinese supplier DANKUNG See GKJ video!VERY rare. AmmoRETURN-TO-SENDERfingers are against the tines. fingers are against the tines. fingers are against the tines.Totally new idea. BRACE A way of holding the frame,when you REALLY mess up. It URTS! when you REALLY mess up. It URTS! BRACE A way of holding the frame,Totally new idea. Totally new idea. BRACE A way of holding the frame,when you REALLY mess up. It URTS!underestimate the rubber bag-thing.See GKJ video! HAND HIT This elephant in our room - isHAND HIT This elephant in our room - isSee GKJ video! underestimate the rubber bag-thing.underestimate the rubber bag-thing.See GKJ video! HAND HIT This elephant in our room - is POCKET SHOT Looks daft. Do notfingers are close together. Utter Misery. Utter Misery. fingers are close together. POCKET SHOT Looks daft. Do not Looks daft. Do notPOCKET SHOT fingers are close together. Utter Misery.to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. PINCH A way of holding the frame,and the ammo hits the frame. and the ammo hits the frame. PINCH A way of holding the frame,to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. PINCH A way of holding the frame,and the ammo hits the frame.SLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madegrip. The frame is held sideways, like a FORK HIT This is when you get it wrongFORK HIT This is when you get it wronggrip. The frame is held sideways, like a SLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madeSLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madegrip. The frame is held sideways, like a FORK HIT This is when you get it wrong only share the language of the Sling. GANGSTER The most popular shootingbandset. Insane. bandset. Insane. GANGSTER The most popular shootingonly share the language of the Sling. only share the language of the Sling. GANGSTER The most popular shootingbandset. Insane.GZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. Weusing just bare hands and a specialusing just bare hands and a specialGZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. WeGZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. Weusing just bare hands and a special - Look up on Facebook. BARE BACK Not risking an STD but BARE BACKNot risking an STD but - Look up on Facebook. - Look up on Facebook.Not risking an STD but BARE BACKLouis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. ICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONLouis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. Louis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. ICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATION RCC Romany Custom Catapults: Thepouch. This itself can be an art. pouch. This itself can be an art. RCC Romany Custom Catapults: TheRCC Romany Custom Catapults: Thepouch. This itself can be an art.- Look up on Facebook. RELEASE The act of letting go of a loadedRELEASEThe act of letting go of a loaded- Look up on Facebook. - Look up on Facebook.The act of letting go of a loadedRELEASEon YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. UKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONUKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONon YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. on YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. UKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATION GKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. Down with range. Down with range. ASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. GKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerGKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. Down with range.to, line-up your eye at the target. Up orto, line-up your eye at the target. Up orto, line-up your eye at the target. Up or frame shape, takes tubes or flat bands.THE BRITISH CATAPULTBCAA spot you useAIM REFERENCE POINT AIM REFERENCE POINTA spot you useBCATHE BRITISH CATAPULTframe shape, takes tubes or flat bands. frame shape, takes tubes or flat bands.THE BRITISH CATAPULTBCAA spot you useAIM REFERENCE POINTSPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: Classicyou miss? is key. is key. you miss? SPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: ClassicSPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: Classicyou miss? is key.version of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. that you always consider - what if pouch when you shoot. Consistency pouch when you shoot. Consistency that you always consider - what if version of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. version of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. that you always consider - what if pouch when you shoot. ConsistencyPPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2 The bit BEHIND the target,BACK STOPWhere you hold yourANCHOR POINT ANCHOR POINTWhere you hold yourBACK STOPThe bit BEHIND the target,PPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2PPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2 The bit BEHIND the target,BACK STOPWhere you hold yourANCHOR POINTKawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. back stop. material. Making band sets is a true skill. material. Making band sets is a true skill. back stop. Kawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. Kawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. back stop. material. Making band sets is a true skill. Pocket Poacher Super Grip. ThePPSG heck it wants, and why you need aSheet elastic, sold by thickness &FLATS FLATSSheet elastic, sold by thickness &heck it wants, and why you need a PPSG Pocket Poacher Super Grip. ThePPSG Pocket Poacher Super Grip. Theheck it wants, and why you need aSheet elastic, sold by thickness &FLATSfork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. FLIER A shot that just goes where theouter diameter. outer diameter. FLIER A shot that just goes where thefork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. fork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. FLIER A shot that just goes where theouter diameter.NATTY A Natural catapult made from theIt spins. harpoon. Described by inner and harpoon. Described by inner and It spins. NATTY A Natural catapult made from theNATTY A Natural catapult made from theIt spins. harpoon. Described by inner andMatt Redding. Mounted on a string or rod. PLINK!Tubular elastic from tiny toTUBES TUBESTubular elastic from tiny toMounted on a string or rod. PLINK! Matt Redding. Matt Redding. Mounted on a string or rod. PLINK!Tubular elastic from tiny toTUBESwide tip frame from top moocherMetal, Plastic or Silicone disc.SPINNER fashioned into the set you fix to a frame. fashioned into the set you fix to a frame. SPINNER Metal, Plastic or Silicone disc.wide tip frame from top moocher wide tip frame from top moocherMetal, Plastic or Silicone disc.SPINNER fashioned into the set you fix to a frame. Hedgerow Hunter. A famous OTTHH for catapults. BANDS/BANDSET Elastic and a pouch,BANDS/BANDSETElastic and a pouch,for catapults. HH Hedgerow Hunter. A famous OTT Hedgerow Hunter. A famous OTTHH for catapults.Elastic and a pouch,BANDS/BANDSETfancy scales. it saves your balls! A firing range it saves your balls! A firing range fancy scales. fancy scales. it saves your balls! A firing rangeCATCH BOX You hang targets in it and shooting in. Usually leather. shooting in. Usually leather. CATCH BOX You hang targets in it and CATCH BOX You hang targets in it and shooting in. Usually leather.a frame strength & allows adding POUCH The bit you put the thing you arePOUCHThe bit you put the thing you area frame strength & allows adding a frame strength & allows addingThe bit you put the thing you arePOUCHCORE A usually metal shape giving the pot. the pot. CORE A usually metal shape giving CORE A usually metal shape giving the pot.entry to the sport. hoping to come home with one for or arms of a catapult. or arms of a catapult. hoping to come home with one for entry to the sport. entry to the sport. hoping to come home with one forThe distance between the tinesor arms of a catapult. FORK GAPfromMultiplex ply. A massively popularMOOCHING Going forth with a catapult,FORK GAP The distance between the tinesFORK GAP The distance between the tinesMOOCHINGGoing forth with a catapult,fromMultiplex ply. A massively popularfromMultiplex ply. A massively popularMOOCHING Going forth with a catapult, BOARD CUT Catapult madetargets. arms of a catapult. arms of a catapult. targets. BOARD CUT Catapult madeBOARD CUT Catapult madetargets. arms of a catapult.NCC-1701! where allowed, shooting at randomFORK/S What we usually call the tines orFORK/S What we usually call the tines orwhere allowed, shooting at randomNCC-1701! NCC-1701! where allowed, shooting at randomFORK/S What we usually call the tines or your draw length. Google pics ofIn the garden or out and aboutPLINKING or arms. or arms. PLINKING In the garden or out and aboutyour draw length. Google pics of your draw length. Google pics ofIn the garden or out and aboutPLINKING or arms.STARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsPotent projectile. fix elastic on. It usually has two tines fix elastic on. It usually has two tines Potent projectile. STARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsSTARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsPotent projectile. fix elastic on. It usually has two tines2nd frame. shape. easy to hold and release. FRAME The catapult - thing used to FRAME The catapult - thing used to shape. easy to hold and release. 2nd frame. 2nd frame. shape. easy to hold and release. FRAME The catapult - thing used towith 1-piece-elastic channels. DadsLeads, made in an ovoid BEANS for a catapult. for a catapult. BEANS Leads, made in an ovoid with 1-piece-elastic channels. Dads with 1-piece-elastic channels. DadsLeads, made in an ovoid BEANS for a catapult.GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame USE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. this was revealed to be the OLD namethis was revealed to be the OLD nameUSE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame USE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. this was revealed to be the OLD name my thumb. LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSSTROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid, STROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid, LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSmy thumb. my thumb. LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSSTROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid,40 or more years ago. It deformed subjected to the heat treatment process. NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES! NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES! subjected to the heat treatment process. 40 or more years ago. It deformed 40 or more years ago. It deformed subjected to the heat treatment process. NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES!DEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,UHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTERSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTERUHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notDEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,DEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,UHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTER A glossary of catapult terms. WASSAT? A glossary of catapult terms. INFO INFO A glossary of catapult terms. WASSAT?INFO WASSAT?INFO A glossary of catapult terms. WASSAT? WASSAT? INFO INFO A glossary of catapult terms. WASSAT?A glossary of catapult terms.DEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,UHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTERSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTERUHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notDEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,DEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,UHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTER 40 or more years ago. It deformed subjected to the heat treatment process. NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES! NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES! subjected to the heat treatment process. 40 or more years ago. It deformed 40 or more years ago. It deformed subjected to the heat treatment process. NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES!my thumb. LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSSTROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid, STROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid, LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSmy thumb. my thumb. LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSSTROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid,GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame USE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. this was revealed to be the OLD namethis was revealed to be the OLD nameUSE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame USE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. this was revealed to be the OLD name with 1-piece-elastic channels. Dads BEANS Leads, made in an ovoid for a catapult. for a catapult. BEANS Leads, made in an ovoid with 1-piece-elastic channels. Dads with 1-piece-elastic channels. DadsLeads, made in an ovoid BEANS for a catapult.2nd frame. shape. easy to hold and release. FRAME The catapult - thing used to FRAME The catapult - thing used to shape. easy to hold and release. 2nd frame. 2nd frame. shape. easy to hold and release. FRAME The catapult - thing used toSTARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsPotent projectile. fix elastic on. It usually has two tines fix elastic on. It usually has two tines Potent projectile. STARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsSTARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsPotent projectile. fix elastic on. It usually has two tinesyour draw length. Google pics ofIn the garden or out and aboutPLINKING or arms. or arms. PLINKING In the garden or out and aboutyour draw length. Google pics of your draw length. Google pics ofIn the garden or out and aboutPLINKING or arms.NCC-1701! where allowed, shooting at randomFORK/S What we usually call the tines orFORK/S What we usually call the tines orwhere allowed, shooting at randomNCC-1701! NCC-1701! where allowed, shooting at randomFORK/S What we usually call the tines or BOARD CUT Catapult madetargets. arms of a catapult. arms of a catapult. targets. BOARD CUT Catapult madeBOARD CUT Catapult madetargets. arms of a catapult.fromMultiplex ply. A massively popularMOOCHING Going forth with a catapult,FORK GAP The distance between the tinesFORK GAP The distance between the tinesMOOCHING Going forth with a catapult,fromMultiplex ply. A massively popularfromMultiplex ply. A massively popularMOOCHING Going forth with a catapult, The distance between the tinesFORK GAPentry to the sport. hoping to come home with one for or arms of a catapult. or arms of a catapult. hoping to come home with one for entry to the sport. entry to the sport. hoping to come home with one for or arms of a catapult.CORE A usually metal shape giving the pot. POUCH The bit you put the thing you arePOUCH The bit you put the thing you arethe pot. CORE A usually metal shape giving CORE A usually metal shape giving the pot.The bit you put the thing you arePOUCHa frame strength & allows adding CATCH BOX You hang targets in it and shooting in. Usually leather. shooting in. Usually leather. CATCH BOX You hang targets in it and a frame strength & allows adding a frame strength & allows adding CATCH BOX You hang targets in it and shooting in. Usually leather.fancy scales. it saves your balls! A firing range it saves your balls! A firing range fancy scales. fancy scales. it saves your balls! A firing rangeHH Hedgerow Hunter. A famous OTTfor catapults.Elastic and a pouch,BANDS/BANDSET BANDS/BANDSETElastic and a pouch,for catapults. HH Hedgerow Hunter. A famous OTTHH Hedgerow Hunter. A famous OTTfor catapults.Elastic and a pouch,BANDS/BANDSETwide tip frame from top moocherMetal, Plastic or Silicone disc.SPINNER fashioned into the set you fix to a frame. fashioned into the set you fix to a frame. SPINNER Metal, Plastic or Silicone disc.wide tip frame from top moocher wide tip frame from top moocherMetal, Plastic or Silicone disc.SPINNER fashioned into the set you fix to a frame.Matt Redding. Mounted on a string or rod. PLINK!Tubular elastic from tiny toTUBES TUBES Tubular elastic from tiny toMounted on a string or rod. PLINK! Matt Redding. Matt Redding. Mounted on a string or rod. PLINK!Tubular elastic from tiny toTUBESNATTY A Natural catapult made from theIt spins. harpoon. Described by inner and harpoon. Described by inner and It spins. NATTY A Natural catapult made from theNATTY A Natural catapult made from theIt spins. harpoon. Described by inner andfork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. FLIER A shot that just goes where theouter diameter. outer diameter. FLIER A shot that just goes where thefork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. fork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. FLIER A shot that just goes where theouter diameter.PPSG Pocket Poacher Super Grip. Theheck it wants, and why you need aSheet elastic, sold by thickness &FLATS FLATS Sheet elastic, sold by thickness &heck it wants, and why you need a PPSG Pocket Poacher Super Grip. ThePPSG Pocket Poacher Super Grip. Theheck it wants, and why you need aSheet elastic, sold by thickness &FLATSKawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. back stop. material. Making band sets is a true skill. material. Making band sets is a true skill. back stop. Kawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. Kawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. back stop. material. Making band sets is a true skill.PPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2 The bit BEHIND the target,BACK STOPWhere you hold yourANCHOR POINT ANCHOR POINTWhere you hold yourBACK STOP The bit BEHIND the target,PPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2PPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2 The bit BEHIND the target,BACK STOPWhere you hold yourANCHOR POINTversion of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. that you always consider - what if pouch when you shoot. Consistency pouch when you shoot. Consistency that you always consider - what if version of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. version of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. that you always consider - what if pouch when you shoot. ConsistencySPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: Classicyou miss? is key. is key. you miss? SPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: ClassicSPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: Classicyou miss? is key.frame shape, takes tubes or flat bands.THE BRITISH CATAPULTBCAA spot you useAIM REFERENCE POINT AIM REFERENCE POINT A spot you useBCATHE BRITISH CATAPULTframe shape, takes tubes or flat bands. frame shape, takes tubes or flat bands.THE BRITISH CATAPULTBCAA spot you useAIM REFERENCE POINTASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. to, line-up your eye at the target. Up orto, line-up your eye at the target. Up orASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. ASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. to, line-up your eye at the target. Up or GKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerDown with range. Down with range. GKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerGKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerDown with range.on YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. UKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONRELEASE The act of letting go of a loadedRELEASEThe act of letting go of a loadedUKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONon YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. on YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. UKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATION The act of letting go of a loadedRELEASERCC Romany Custom Catapults: The- Look up on Facebook. pouch. This itself can be an art. pouch. This itself can be an art. - Look up on Facebook. RCC Romany Custom Catapults: TheRCC Romany Custom Catapults: The- Look up on Facebook. pouch. This itself can be an art.Louis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. ICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONBARE BACK Not risking an STD but BARE BACK Not risking an STD but ICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONLouis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. Louis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. ICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATION Not risking an STD but BARE BACKGZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. We- Look up on Facebook. using just bare hands and a specialusing just bare hands and a special- Look up on Facebook. GZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. WeGZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. We- Look up on Facebook. using just bare hands and a special only share the language of the Sling. GANGSTER The most popular shootingbandset. Insane. bandset. Insane. GANGSTER The most popular shootingonly share the language of the Sling. only share the language of the Sling. GANGSTER The most popular shootingbandset. Insane.SLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madegrip. The frame is held sideways, like a FORK HIT This is when you get it wrongFORK HIT This is when you get it wronggrip. The frame is held sideways, like a SLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madeSLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madegrip. The frame is held sideways, like a FORK HIT This is when you get it wrong to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. PINCH A way of holding the frame,and the ammo hits the frame. and the ammo hits the frame. PINCH A way of holding the frame,to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. PINCH A way of holding the frame,and the ammo hits the frame.POCKET SHOT Looks daft. Do notfingers are close together. Utter Misery. Utter Misery. fingers are close together. POCKET SHOT Looks daft. Do not Looks daft. Do notPOCKET SHOT fingers are close together. Utter Misery.underestimate the rubber bag-thing.See GKJ video! HAND HIT This elephant in our room - isHAND HIT This elephant in our room - isSee GKJ video! underestimate the rubber bag-thing.underestimate the rubber bag-thing.See GKJ video! HAND HIT This elephant in our room - is Totally new idea. BRACE A way of holding the frame,when you REALLY mess up. It URTS! when you REALLY mess up. It URTS! BRACE A way of holding the frame,Totally new idea. Totally new idea. BRACE A way of holding the frame,when you REALLY mess up. It URTS!DANKUNG Leading Chinese supplier fingers are against the tines. RETURN-TO-SENDER VERY rare. AmmoRETURN-TO-SENDER VERY rare. Ammofingers are against the tines. DANKUNG Leading Chinese supplierLeading Chinese supplier DANKUNG fingers are against the tines.VERY rare. AmmoRETURN-TO-SENDERof some truly brilliant products of allSee GKJ video! goes wrong way and shooter gets it. goes wrong way and shooter gets it. See GKJ video! of some truly brilliant products of allof some truly brilliant products of allSee GKJ video! goes wrong way and shooter gets it.catty kinds. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,See above. See above. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,catty kinds. catty kinds. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,See above.TABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, literally in a clenched hand, like OTT Over The Top. Bands that shootOTT Over The Top. Bands that shootliterally in a clenched hand, like TABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, TABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, literally in a clenched hand, likeOver The Top. Bands that shootOTToblongs bound to the frame as flexiblean er, ammer! across the upper edge of the fork. across the upper edge of the fork. an er, ammer! oblongs bound to the frame as flexibleoblongs bound to the frame as flexiblean er, ammer! across the upper edge of the fork.bandset fixings. DRAW LENGTH Distance between your Through The Forks. Bands that shootTTF TTF Through The Forks. Bands that shootDRAW LENGTH Distance between yourbandset fixings. bandset fixings. DRAW LENGTH Distance between your Through The Forks. Bands that shootTTFWRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toarms-length hold and release point.around the outer edges of the fork. around the outer edges of the fork. arms-length hold and release point.WRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toWRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toarms-length hold and release point.around the outer edges of the fork.pouches or frames with a thin strip Long arms help. Long arms help. pouches or frames with a thin strip pouches or frames with a thin strip Long arms help.of elastic.The usable length ofACTIVE BAND LENGTHPickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aPFS PFSPickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aACTIVE BAND LENGTHThe usable length ofof elastic. of elastic.The usable length ofACTIVE BAND LENGTHPickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aPFSCON KNOT The Constrictor Knot. A neatthe actual bandset, measured betweentiny fork gap. For nutters only. tiny fork gap. For nutters only. the actual bandset, measured betweenCON KNOT The Constrictor Knot. A neat The Constrictor Knot. A neatCON KNOT the actual bandset, measured betweentiny fork gap. For nutters only.way to fix a pouch to a band. frame & pouch.Theraband Gold, the new TBG TBG Theraband Gold, the new frame & pouch. way to fix a pouch to a band. way to fix a pouch to a band. frame & pouch.Theraband Gold, the new TBGCan self-tighten. ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armselastic product that changed elastic product that changed ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armsCan self-tighten. Can self-tighten. ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armselastic product that changedextended, major wingspan method.slingshots worldwide.slingshots worldwide.extended, major wingspan method.extended, major wingspan method.slingshots worldwide. Hellish power & difficulty.The name used for steel ballSTEELS STEELS The name used for steel ballHellish power & difficulty. Hellish power & difficulty. STEELS The name used for steel ball MILBRO The single most respected ammo. Stones are for plinking only. ammo. Stones are for plinking only. MILBRO The single most respected MILBRO The single most respected ammo. Stones are for plinking only.brand in all UK catapult history.The generally accepted standard9.5MM 9.5MM The generally accepted standardbrand in all UK catapult history. brand in all UK catapult history. 9.5MM The generally accepted standard A generic shape. size for steel catapult ammo. size for steel catapult ammo. A generic shape. A generic shape. size for steel catapult ammo.065 065 06516/02/2019 17:48 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 65 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 65 16/02/2019 17:48 16/02/2019 17:48 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 6516/02/2019 17:48 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 65 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 65 16/02/2019 17:48 16/02/2019 17:48 SSW002.Glossary.65.indd 65065 065 065A generic shape. size for steel catapult ammo. size for steel catapult ammo. A generic shape. A generic shape. size for steel catapult ammo.brand in all UK catapult history.The generally accepted standard9.5MM 9.5MM The generally accepted standardbrand in all UK catapult history. brand in all UK catapult history. 9.5MM The generally accepted standard MILBRO The single most respected ammo. Stones are for plinking only. ammo. Stones are for plinking only. MILBRO The single most respected MILBRO The single most respected ammo. Stones are for plinking only.Hellish power & difficulty.The name used for steel ballSTEELS STEELS The name used for steel ballHellish power & difficulty. Hellish power & difficulty. STEELS The name used for steel ball extended, major wingspan method.slingshots worldwide.slingshots worldwide.extended, major wingspan method.extended, major wingspan method.slingshots worldwide. Can self-tighten. ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armselastic product that changed elastic product that changed ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armsCan self-tighten. Can self-tighten. ALBATROSS/BUTTERFLY BOTH armselastic product that changedway to fix a pouch to a band. frame & pouch.Theraband Gold, the new TBG TBG Theraband Gold, the new frame & pouch. way to fix a pouch to a band. way to fix a pouch to a band. frame & pouch.Theraband Gold, the new TBGCON KNOT The Constrictor Knot. A neatthe actual bandset, measured betweentiny fork gap. For nutters only. tiny fork gap. For nutters only. the actual bandset, measured betweenCON KNOT The Constrictor Knot. A neat The Constrictor Knot. A neatCON KNOT the actual bandset, measured betweentiny fork gap. For nutters only.of elastic. ACTIVE BAND LENGTH The usable length ofPFS Pickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aPFSPickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aACTIVE BAND LENGTHThe usable length ofof elastic. of elastic.The usable length ofACTIVE BAND LENGTHPickle Fork Shooter. A frame with aPFSpouches or frames with a thin strip Long arms help. Long arms help. pouches or frames with a thin strip pouches or frames with a thin strip Long arms help.WRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toaround the outer edges of the fork. around the outer edges of the fork. WRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toWRAP & TUCK A way to fix bands toaround the outer edges of the fork.arms-length hold and release point. Through The Forks. Bands that shootTTF TTFThrough The Forks. Bands that shootarms-length hold and release point.arms-length hold and release point. Through The Forks. Bands that shootTTFbandset fixings. DRAW LENGTH Distance between yourDRAW LENGTH Distance between yourbandset fixings. bandset fixings. DRAW LENGTH Distance between your oblongs bound to the frame as flexiblean er, ammer! across the upper edge of the fork. across the upper edge of the fork. an er, ammer! oblongs bound to the frame as flexibleoblongs bound to the frame as flexiblean er, ammer! across the upper edge of the fork. OTTTABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, literally in a clenched hand, like OTT Over The Top. Bands that shootOTT Over The Top. Bands that shootliterally in a clenched hand, like TABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, TABS/GYPSY TABS Usually leather, literally in a clenched hand, likeOver The Top. Bands that shoot catty kinds. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,See above. See above. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,catty kinds. catty kinds. HAMMER A way of holding the frame,See above.of some truly brilliant products of allgoes wrong way and shooter gets it. goes wrong way and shooter gets it. of some truly brilliant products of allof some truly brilliant products of allgoes wrong way and shooter gets it.DANKUNG Leading Chinese supplier See GKJ video! RETURN-TO-SENDER VERY rare. AmmoRETURN-TO-SENDERVERY rare. AmmoSee GKJ video! DANKUNG Leading Chinese supplierLeading Chinese supplier DANKUNG See GKJ video!VERY rare. AmmoRETURN-TO-SENDERfingers are against the tines. fingers are against the tines. fingers are against the tines.Totally new idea. BRACE A way of holding the frame,when you REALLY mess up. It URTS! when you REALLY mess up. It URTS! BRACE A way of holding the frame,Totally new idea. Totally new idea. BRACE A way of holding the frame,when you REALLY mess up. It URTS!underestimate the rubber bag-thing.See GKJ video! HAND HIT This elephant in our room - isHAND HIT This elephant in our room - isSee GKJ video! underestimate the rubber bag-thing.underestimate the rubber bag-thing.See GKJ video! HAND HIT This elephant in our room - is POCKET SHOT Looks daft. Do notfingers are close together. Utter Misery. Utter Misery. fingers are close together. POCKET SHOT Looks daft. Do not Looks daft. Do notPOCKET SHOT fingers are close together. Utter Misery.to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. PINCH A way of holding the frame,and the ammo hits the frame. and the ammo hits the frame. PINCH A way of holding the frame,to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. to fire ARROWS. Targets ONLY in the UK. PINCH A way of holding the frame,and the ammo hits the frame.SLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madegrip. The frame is held sideways, like a FORK HIT This is when you get it wrongFORK HIT This is when you get it wronggrip. The frame is held sideways, like a SLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madeSLING BOW A slingshot or catapult madegrip. The frame is held sideways, like a FORK HIT This is when you get it wrong only share the language of the Sling. GANGSTER The most popular shootingbandset. Insane. bandset. Insane. GANGSTER The most popular shootingonly share the language of the Sling. only share the language of the Sling. GANGSTER The most popular shootingbandset. Insane.GZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. Weusing just bare hands and a specialusing just bare hands and a specialGZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. WeGZK Cool & Crazy Chinese supplier. Weusing just bare hands and a special - Look up on Facebook.Not risking an STD but BARE BACK BARE BACKNot risking an STD but - Look up on Facebook. - Look up on Facebook.Not risking an STD but BARE BACKLouis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. ICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONLouis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. Louis Vuitton, Trend Setter, Activist, Hero. ICA THE IRISH CATAPULT ASSOCIATION RCC Romany Custom Catapults: Thepouch. This itself can be an art. pouch. This itself can be an art. RCC Romany Custom Catapults: TheRCC Romany Custom Catapults: Thepouch. This itself can be an art.- Look up on Facebook.The act of letting go of a loadedRELEASE RELEASEThe act of letting go of a loaded- Look up on Facebook. - Look up on Facebook.The act of letting go of a loadedRELEASEon YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. UKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONUKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATIONon YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. on YouTube & at Shoots. A Catty Hero. UKCA THE UK CATAPULT ASSOCIATION GKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. Down with range. Down with range. ASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. GKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerGKJ Game Keeper John: A major playerASSOCIATION - Look up on Facebook. Down with range.to, line-up your eye at the target. Up orto, line-up your eye at the target. Up orto, line-up your eye at the target. Up or frame shape, takes tubes or flat bands. BCA THE BRITISH CATAPULTAIM REFERENCE POINT A spot you useAIM REFERENCE POINTA spot you useBCATHE BRITISH CATAPULTframe shape, takes tubes or flat bands. frame shape, takes tubes or flat bands.THE BRITISH CATAPULTBCAA spot you useAIM REFERENCE POINTSPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: Classicyou miss? is key. is key. you miss? SPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: ClassicSPS Stratagem Pocket Slingshot: Classicyou miss? is key.version of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. that you always consider - what if pouch when you shoot. Consistency pouch when you shoot. Consistency that you always consider - what if version of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. version of the PPSG, made easy to shoot. that you always consider - what if pouch when you shoot. ConsistencyPPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2 The bit BEHIND the target,BACK STOPWhere you hold yourANCHOR POINT ANCHOR POINTWhere you hold yourBACK STOP The bit BEHIND the target,PPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2PPMG Pocket Poacher Mega Grip. Mk2 The bit BEHIND the target,BACK STOPWhere you hold yourANCHOR POINTKawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. back stop. material. Making band sets is a true skill. material. Making band sets is a true skill. back stop. Kawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. Kawasaki Ninja H2R motorbike of cattys. back stop. material. Making band sets is a true skill.PPSG Pocket Poacher Super Grip. Theheck it wants, and why you need a FLATS Sheet elastic, sold by thickness &FLATSSheet elastic, sold by thickness &heck it wants, and why you need a PPSG Pocket Poacher Super Grip. ThePPSG Pocket Poacher Super Grip. Theheck it wants, and why you need aSheet elastic, sold by thickness &FLATSfork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. FLIER A shot that just goes where theouter diameter. outer diameter. FLIER A shot that just goes where thefork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. fork of a tree. A Y shaped stick. FLIER A shot that just goes where theouter diameter.NATTY A Natural catapult made from theIt spins. harpoon. Described by inner and harpoon. Described by inner and It spins. NATTY A Natural catapult made from theNATTY A Natural catapult made from theIt spins. harpoon. Described by inner andMatt Redding. Mounted on a string or rod. PLINK!Tubular elastic from tiny toTUBES TUBESTubular elastic from tiny toMounted on a string or rod. PLINK! Matt Redding. Matt Redding. Mounted on a string or rod. PLINK!Tubular elastic from tiny toTUBESwide tip frame from top moocher SPINNER Metal, Plastic or Silicone disc.fashioned into the set you fix to a frame. fashioned into the set you fix to a frame. SPINNER Metal, Plastic or Silicone disc.wide tip frame from top moocher wide tip frame from top moocherMetal, Plastic or Silicone disc.SPINNER fashioned into the set you fix to a frame.HH Hedgerow Hunter. A famous OTTfor catapults. BANDS/BANDSET Elastic and a pouch,BANDS/BANDSETElastic and a pouch,for catapults. HHHedgerow Hunter. A famous OTTHH Hedgerow Hunter. A famous OTTfor catapults.Elastic and a pouch,BANDS/BANDSETfancy scales. it saves your balls! A firing range it saves your balls! A firing range fancy scales. fancy scales. it saves your balls! A firing range You hang targets in it and CATCH BOX shooting in. Usually leather. shooting in. Usually leather. CATCH BOX You hang targets in it andYou hang targets in it and CATCH BOX shooting in. Usually leather.a frame strength & allows adding POUCH The bit you put the thing you arePOUCHThe bit you put the thing you area frame strength & allows adding a frame strength & allows addingThe bit you put the thing you arePOUCHCORE A usually metal shape giving the pot. the pot. CORE A usually metal shape giving CORE A usually metal shape giving the pot.hoping to come home with one for or arms of a catapult. or arms of a catapult. hoping to come home with one for hoping to come home with one for or arms of a catapult.entry to the sport. MOOCHING Going forth with a catapult,FORK GAP The distance between the tinesFORK GAPThe distance between the tinesMOOCHING Going forth with a catapult,entry to the sport. entry to the sport. MOOCHING Going forth with a catapult, The distance between the tinesFORK GAPfromMultiplex ply. A massively popularfromMultiplex ply. A massively popularfromMultiplex ply. A massively popular BOARD CUT Catapult madetargets. arms of a catapult. arms of a catapult. targets. BOARD CUT Catapult madeBOARD CUT Catapult madetargets. arms of a catapult.NCC-1701! where allowed, shooting at randomFORK/S What we usually call the tines orFORK/S What we usually call the tines orwhere allowed, shooting at randomNCC-1701! NCC-1701! where allowed, shooting at randomFORK/S What we usually call the tines or your draw length. Google pics of PLINKING In the garden or out and aboutor arms. or arms. PLINKING In the garden or out and aboutyour draw length. Google pics of your draw length. Google pics ofIn the garden or out and aboutPLINKING or arms.STARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsPotent projectile. fix elastic on. It usually has two tines fix elastic on. It usually has two tines Potent projectile. STARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsSTARSHIP Wrist-braced frame - extendsPotent projectile. fix elastic on. It usually has two tines2nd frame. shape. easy to hold and release. FRAME The catapult - thing used to FRAME The catapult - thing used to shape. easy to hold and release. 2nd frame. 2nd frame. shape. easy to hold and release. FRAME The catapult - thing used towith 1-piece-elastic channels. Dads BEANS Leads, made in an ovoid for a catapult. for a catapult. BEANS Leads, made in an ovoid with 1-piece-elastic channels. Dads with 1-piece-elastic channels. DadsLeads, made in an ovoid BEANS for a catapult.GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame USE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. this was revealed to be the OLD namethis was revealed to be the OLD nameUSE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame GOLIATH Ridged handle ally frame USE LEAD MELTERS OUTDOORS. this was revealed to be the OLD name my thumb. LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSSTROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid, STROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid, LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSmy thumb. my thumb. LEADS Balls made of cast lead. ALWAYSSTROD Ed Abuse! MY Fave. As a kid,40 or more years ago. It deformed subjected to the heat treatment process. NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES! NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES! subjected to the heat treatment process. 40 or more years ago. It deformed 40 or more years ago. It deformed subjected to the heat treatment process. NECESSITY - USE SAFETY GLASSES!DEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,UHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTERSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTERUHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notDEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,DEADSHOT The 1st frame your dad had,UHC UnHardened Carbon steel balls, notSAFETY GLASSES FIRST ENTRY: UTTER A glossary of catapult terms. WASSAT? A glossary of catapult terms. INFO INFO A glossary of catapult terms. WASSAT?INFO WASSAT?'