b'16/02/2019 16:51 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 49 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 49 16/02/2019 16:51 16/02/2019 16:51 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 49049 049 0497 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400 7 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400 7 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400Breakers,MotorcycleJumboat:countertheunderMagsAwesomeness! Awesomeness! Mags under the counter at: Jumbo Motorcycle Breakers,Breakers,MotorcycleJumboat:countertheunderMagsAwesomeness!UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! Facey, comments with one word. Facey, comments with one word. UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! Facey, comments with one word.So Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known onpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known onSo Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstSo Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known on generally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. total. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if youtotal. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if yougenerally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. generally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. total. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if you willMarklocation,theoragainstcompetetoshootersotherisslingshotsininvolvementandlovetheirall,AboveAbove all, their love and involvement in slingshots isother shooters to compete against or the location, Mark willwillMarklocation,theoragainstcompetetoshootersotherisslingshotsininvolvementandlovetheirall,Above And on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofof The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby. of The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby. And on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofAnd on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofof The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby.Jumbo.bymadewasUK,theinyourselfatshotorshootsslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant sliceslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant sliceshoots or shot at yourself in the UK, was made by Jumbo.Jumbo.bymadewasUK,theinyourselfatshotorshootsslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant slice Every automatic target you may have seen on video in UKSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her ownSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her ownEvery automatic target you may have seen on video in UKEvery automatic target you may have seen on video in UKSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her own he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. completely cool dude. completely cool dude. he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. completely cool dude.cars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,The man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman andThe man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman andcars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,cars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,The man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman and thanrathermotorcycleswithworkingengineer,mechanicalWhich it always does, from any range. Which it always does, from any range. mechanical engineer, working with motorcycles rather thanthanrathermotorcycleswithworkingengineer,mechanicalWhich it always does, from any range.skilledmosttheasMeanwhile,all.atthisforrecognitionanything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst. anything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst. recognitionforthisatall.Meanwhile,asthemostskilledskilledmosttheasMeanwhile,all.atthisforrecognitionanything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst.anyseektohimknownneverhaveIat.shoottopeopleforLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes andLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes andfor people to shoot at. I have never known him to seek anyanyseektohimknownneverhaveIat.shoottopeopleforLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes and man hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsthings.pointythrowtolikesHeshot.indowncrashingcrashing down in shot. He likes to throw pointy things.man hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsman hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsthings.pointythrowtolikesHeshot.indowncrashing ofhundredsliterallyputhasandcatapultslovesjustMarkmassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to comemassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to comeMark just loves catapults and has put literally hundreds ofofhundredsliterallyputhasandcatapultslovesjustMarkmassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to come differencespartisanofUncaringorganisers.keytheofonevideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and createvideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and createone of the key organisers. Uncaring of partisan differencesdifferencespartisanofUncaringorganisers.keytheofonevideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and create Jumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beennear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. Onnear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. OnJumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beenJumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beennear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. On Every single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. Markskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland roadskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland roadEvery single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. MarkEvery single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. Markskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland road I was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. aOnbathing.woodlandnakedandrecordsvinylvinylrecordsandnakedwoodlandbathing.OnaI was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. I was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. aOnbathing.woodlandnakedandrecordsvinyl methods still works. You just need more talent than I have! ButfashionedoldJazz,forpredilectiontheisthereThenThen there is the predilection for Jazz, old fashionedmethods still works. You just need more talent than I have! Butmethods still works. You just need more talent than I have! ButfashionedoldJazz,forpredilectiontheisthereThen thatsomind,shots,trickastonishinghisdotomethodthatwith deadly accuracy with it. with deadly accuracy with it. that method to do his astonishing trick shots, mind, so thatthatsomind,shots,trickastonishinghisdotomethodthatwith deadly accuracy with it.in the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesshootinghimselfofvideoadonehasDarrin#1,WorldWorld #1, Darrin has done a video of himself shootingin the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesin the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesshootinghimselfofvideoadonehasDarrin#1,World to sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoating- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshot- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshotto sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoatingto sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoating- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshot bandstheusingactuallygrip,sidewaysDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anythingDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anythingsidewaysgrip,actuallyusingthebandsbandstheusingactuallygrip,sidewaysDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anything Theis.therebestthebycatapultry,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all,catapultry,bythebestthereis.TheTheis.therebestthebycatapultry,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all, modernincoursecrashimmediatePFS.tostarshipsfromslingshots,ofcollectionrangingrangingcollectionofslingshots,fromstarshipstoPFS.immediate crash course in modernmodernincoursecrashimmediatePFS.tostarshipsfromslingshots,ofcollectionranging and hold it like this! I was given ansince, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wide- since, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wide- and hold it like this! I was given anand hold it like this! I was given ansince, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wideframemytryHeresaid,he,wasso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six yearsso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six yearswas he, said, Here try my frame framemytryHeresaid,he,wasso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six years feeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itwasHeJohn.GamekeeperofbecauseslingshotsintointoslingshotsbecauseofGamekeeperJohn.Hewasfeeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itfeeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itwasHeJohn.Gamekeeperofbecauseslingshotsinto wasIasJuststyle.shootinglongAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, gotAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, gotlong shooting style. Just as I waswasIasJuststyle.shootinglongAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, got lifemyaboutrudenessofpointI was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits,I was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits,pointofrudenessaboutmylifelifemyaboutrudenessofpointI was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits, met this dude who was blunt to theThrower, Sling Polymath Thrower, Sling Polymath met this dude who was blunt to themet this dude who was blunt to theThrower, Sling PolymathIhowandshoot rst verymyaboutDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, KnifeDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, Knifeabout my veryshoot and how IIhowandshoot rst verymyaboutDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, Kniferst wroteIoneissueWorldSlingshotInInSlingshotWorldissueoneIwrotewroteIoneissueWorldSlingshotIn and Utter Dead Shot and Utter Dead Shot and Utter Dead ShotMark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult EngineerMark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult EngineerMark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult Engineer In which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers. In which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers. In which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers.ACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITY ACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITY ACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITYMOVERS & SHAKERS MOVERS & SHAKERS MOVERS & SHAKERSMOVERS & SHAKERS MOVERS & SHAKERS MOVERS & SHAKERSACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITY ACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITY ACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITYIn which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers. In which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers. In which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers.Mark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult EngineerMark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult EngineerMark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult Engineer and Utter Dead Shot and Utter Dead Shot and Utter Dead ShotwroteIoneissueWorldSlingshotInInSlingshotWorldissueoneIwrotewroteIoneissueWorldSlingshotIn Ihowandshoot rst verymyaboutDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, KnifeDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, Knifeabout my veryshoot and how IIhowandshoot rst verymyaboutDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, Kniferst met this dude who was blunt to theThrower, Sling Polymath Thrower, Sling Polymath met this dude who was blunt to themet this dude who was blunt to theThrower, Sling PolymathlifemyaboutrudenessofpointI was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits,I was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits,pointofrudenessaboutmylifelifemyaboutrudenessofpointI was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits, wasIasJuststyle.shootinglongAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, gotAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, gotlong shooting style. Just as I waswasIasJuststyle.shootinglongAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, got feeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itwasHeJohn.GamekeeperofbecauseslingshotsintointoslingshotsbecauseofGamekeeperJohn.Hewasfeeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itfeeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itwasHeJohn.Gamekeeperofbecauseslingshotsinto -framemytryHeresaid,he,wasso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six yearsso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six yearswas he, said, Here try my frame framemytryHeresaid,he,wasso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six years and hold it like this! I was given ansince, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wide- since, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wide- and hold it like this! I was given anand hold it like this! I was given ansince, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wide-modernincoursecrashimmediatePFS.tostarshipsfromslingshots,ofcollectionrangingrangingcollectionofslingshots,fromstarshipstoPFS.immediate crash course in modernmodernincoursecrashimmediatePFS.tostarshipsfromslingshots,ofcollectionranging Theis.therebestthebycatapultry,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all,catapultry,bythebestthereis.TheTheis.therebestthebycatapultry,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all, bandstheusingactuallygrip,sidewaysDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anythingDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anythingsidewaysgrip,actuallyusingthebandsbandstheusingactuallygrip,sidewaysDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anything to sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoating- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshot- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshotto sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoatingto sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoating- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshot in the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesshootinghimselfofvideoadonehasDarrin#1,WorldWorld #1, Darrin has done a video of himself shootingin the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesin the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesshootinghimselfofvideoadonehasDarrin#1,World thatsomind,shots,trickastonishinghisdotomethodthatwith deadly accuracy with it. with deadly accuracy with it. that method to do his astonishing trick shots, mind, so thatthatsomind,shots,trickastonishinghisdotomethodthatwith deadly accuracy with it.methods still works. You just need more talent than I have! ButfashionedoldJazz,forpredilectiontheisthereThenThen there is the predilection for Jazz, old fashionedmethods still works. You just need more talent than I have! Butmethods still works. You just need more talent than I have! ButfashionedoldJazz,forpredilectiontheisthereThen I was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. aOnbathing.woodlandnakedandrecordsvinylvinylrecordsandnakedwoodlandbathing.OnaI was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. I was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. aOnbathing.woodlandnakedandrecordsvinyl Every single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. Markskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland roadskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland roadEvery single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. MarkEvery single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. Markskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland road Jumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beennear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. Onnear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. OnJumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beenJumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beennear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. On differencespartisanofUncaringorganisers.keytheofonevideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and createvideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and createone of the key organisers. Uncaring of partisan differencesdifferencespartisanofUncaringorganisers.keytheofonevideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and create ofhundredsliterallyputhasandcatapultslovesjustMarkmassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to comemassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to comeMark just loves catapults and has put literally hundreds ofofhundredsliterallyputhasandcatapultslovesjustMarkmassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to come man hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsthings.pointythrowtolikesHeshot.indowncrashingcrashing down in shot. He likes to throw pointy things.man hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsman hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsthings.pointythrowtolikesHeshot.indowncrashing anyseektohimknownneverhaveIat.shoottopeopleforLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes andLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes andfor people to shoot at. I have never known him to seek anyanyseektohimknownneverhaveIat.shoottopeopleforLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes and skilledmosttheasMeanwhile,all.atthisforrecognitionanything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst. anything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst. recognitionforthisatall.Meanwhile,asthemostskilledskilledmosttheasMeanwhile,all.atthisforrecognitionanything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst.thanrathermotorcycleswithworkingengineer,mechanicalWhich it always does, from any range. Which it always does, from any range. mechanical engineer, working with motorcycles rather thanthanrathermotorcycleswithworkingengineer,mechanicalWhich it always does, from any range.cars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,The man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman andThe man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman andcars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,cars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,The man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman and he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. completely cool dude. completely cool dude. he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. completely cool dude.Every automatic target you may have seen on video in UKSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her ownSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her ownEvery automatic target you may have seen on video in UKEvery automatic target you may have seen on video in UKSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her own Jumbo.bymadewasUK,theinyourselfatshotorshootsslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant sliceslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant sliceshoots or shot at yourself in the UK, was made by Jumbo.Jumbo.bymadewasUK,theinyourselfatshotorshootsslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant slice And on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofof The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby. of The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby. And on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofAnd on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofof The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby.willMarklocation,theoragainstcompetetoshootersotherisslingshotsininvolvementandlovetheirall,AboveAbove all, their love and involvement in slingshots isother shooters to compete against or the location, Mark willwillMarklocation,theoragainstcompetetoshootersotherisslingshotsininvolvementandlovetheirall,Above generally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. total. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if youtotal. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if yougenerally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. generally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. total. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if you So Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known onpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known onSo Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstSo Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known on UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! Facey, comments with one word. Facey, comments with one word. UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! Facey, comments with one word.Breakers,MotorcycleJumboat:countertheunderMagsAwesomeness! Awesomeness! Mags under the counter at: Jumbo Motorcycle Breakers,Breakers,MotorcycleJumboat:countertheunderMagsAwesomeness!7 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400 7 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400 7 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400049 049 04916/02/2019 16:51 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 49 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 49 16/02/2019 16:51 16/02/2019 16:51 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 4916/02/2019 16:51 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 49 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 49 16/02/2019 16:51 16/02/2019 16:51 SSW002.AccessAllAreas.49.indd 49049 049 0497 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400 7 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400 7 Church St, W eld WF1 5QYTel: 01924 378400Breakers,MotorcycleJumboat:countertheunderMagsAwesomeness! Awesomeness! Mags under the counter at: Jumbo Motorcycle Breakers,Breakers,MotorcycleJumboat:countertheunderMagsAwesomeness!UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! Facey, comments with one word. Facey, comments with one word. UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! UK Catty Scene Knighthood! Arise, Sir Jumbo! Facey, comments with one word.So Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known onpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known onSo Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstSo Mark Jumbo Willis, you are my nomination for myrstpost something and Darrin Glenn Cook, as he is known on generally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. total. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if youtotal. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if yougenerally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. generally take a top place trophy. Hes glacially cool. total. You know if you have arrived on the catty scene if you willMarklocation,theoragainstcompetetoshootersotherisslingshotsininvolvementandlovetheirall,AboveAbove all, their love and involvement in slingshots isother shooters to compete against or the location, Mark willwillMarklocation,theoragainstcompetetoshootersotherisslingshotsininvolvementandlovetheirall,Above And on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofof The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby. of The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby. And on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofAnd on top of all of that, no matter the pressure, theeld ofof The Tiny Jazz Archestra, and plays regular gigs nearby.Jumbo.bymadewasUK,theinyourselfatshotorshootsslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant sliceslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant sliceshoots or shot at yourself in the UK, was made by Jumbo.Jumbo.bymadewasUK,theinyourselfatshotorshootsslightly nipponese style, while Darrin is a signi cant slice Every automatic target you may have seen on video in UKSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her ownSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her ownEvery automatic target you may have seen on video in UKEvery automatic target you may have seen on video in UKSarah, Darrins wife is awesome. An artist with her own he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. completely cool dude. completely cool dude. he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. he can work to aner, smaller and more cunning scale. completely cool dude.cars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,The man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman andThe man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman andcars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,cars, just like a car electronics instead of home hi-repairmen,The man is a slingshot nutter, awesome marksman and thanrathermotorcycleswithworkingengineer,mechanicalWhich it always does, from any range. Which it always does, from any range. mechanical engineer, working with motorcycles rather thanthanrathermotorcycleswithworkingengineer,mechanicalWhich it always does, from any range.skilledmosttheasMeanwhile,all.atthisforrecognitionanything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst. anything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst. recognitionforthisatall.Meanwhile,asthemostskilledskilledmosttheasMeanwhile,all.atthisforrecognitionanything that can really do harm if it hits point- rst.anyseektohimknownneverhaveIat.shoottopeopleforLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes andLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes andfor people to shoot at. I have never known him to seek anyanyseektohimknownneverhaveIat.shoottopeopleforLike knives, hatchets, tomahawks, full size damn axes and man hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsthings.pointythrowtolikesHeshot.indowncrashingcrashing down in shot. He likes to throw pointy things.man hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsman hours and his own money into making fabulous targetsthings.pointythrowtolikesHeshot.indowncrashing ofhundredsliterallyputhasandcatapultslovesjustMarkmassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to comemassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to comeMark just loves catapults and has put literally hundreds ofofhundredsliterallyputhasandcatapultslovesjustMarkmassive thousandfold increased size ammo balls to come differencespartisanofUncaringorganisers.keytheofonevideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and createvideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and createone of the key organisers. Uncaring of partisan differencesdifferencespartisanofUncaringorganisers.keytheofonevideo, we have seen him bring downghter jets and create Jumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beennear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. Onnear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. OnJumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beenJumbo Willis has not only been present but has usually beennear his home, holding a record player over his ammo. On Every single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. Markskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland roadskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland roadEvery single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. MarkEvery single shoot I have ever been to since then, Mr. Markskateboard, all at once, rolling along the woodland road I was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. aOnbathing.woodlandnakedandrecordsvinylvinylrecordsandnakedwoodlandbathing.OnaI was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. I was stubborn and after trying, Jumbo left me to it. aOnbathing.woodlandnakedandrecordsvinyl methods still works. You just need more talent than I have! ButfashionedoldJazz,forpredilectiontheisthereThenThen there is the predilection for Jazz, old fashionedmethods still works. You just need more talent than I have! Butmethods still works. You just need more talent than I have! ButfashionedoldJazz,forpredilectiontheisthereThen thatsomind,shots,trickastonishinghisdotomethodthatwith deadly accuracy with it. with deadly accuracy with it. that method to do his astonishing trick shots, mind, so thatthatsomind,shots,trickastonishinghisdotomethodthatwith deadly accuracy with it.in the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesshootinghimselfofvideoadonehasDarrin#1,WorldWorld #1, Darrin has done a video of himself shootingin the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesin the middle of your Y-shaped frame. Ambrose Draper usesshootinghimselfofvideoadonehasDarrin#1,World to sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoating- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshot- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshotto sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoatingto sight along, rather thannding an imaginary pointoating- then shooting with it. From a shoe, to a copy of Slingshot bandstheusingactuallygrip,sidewaysDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anythingDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anythingsidewaysgrip,actuallyusingthebandsbandstheusingactuallygrip,sidewaysDarrin enjoys banding up anything - and I mean anything Theis.therebestthebycatapultry,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all,catapultry,bythebestthereis.TheTheis.therebestthebycatapultry,But the truly absurd thing is that as well as no frame at all, modernincoursecrashimmediatePFS.tostarshipsfromslingshots,ofcollectionrangingrangingcollectionofslingshots,fromstarshipstoPFS.immediate crash course in modernmodernincoursecrashimmediatePFS.tostarshipsfromslingshots,ofcollectionranging and hold it like this! I was given ansince, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wide- since, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wide- and hold it like this! I was given anand hold it like this! I was given ansince, Darrin has amassed the most astonishing and wideframemytryHeresaid,he,wasso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six yearsso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six yearswas he, said, Here try my frame framemytryHeresaid,he,wasso amazing, that I thought he was a lifer. In the six years feeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itwasHeJohn.GamekeeperofbecauseslingshotsintointoslingshotsbecauseofGamekeeperJohn.Hewasfeeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itfeeling a bit butt-hurt, Jumbo for itwasHeJohn.Gamekeeperofbecauseslingshotsinto wasIasJuststyle.shootinglongAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, gotAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, gotlong shooting style. Just as I waswasIasJuststyle.shootinglongAmerican Darrin Cook all the way from Georgia, USA, got lifemyaboutrudenessofpointI was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits,I was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits,pointofrudenessaboutmylifelifemyaboutrudenessofpointI was almost disappointed to learn that like so many Brits, met this dude who was blunt to theThrower, Sling Polymath Thrower, Sling Polymath met this dude who was blunt to themet this dude who was blunt to theThrower, Sling PolymathIhowandshoot rst verymyaboutDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, KnifeDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, Knifeabout my veryshoot and how IIhowandshoot rst verymyaboutDarrin Cook: Patriarch, Video Rascal, Jazz Muso, Kniferst wroteIoneissueWorldSlingshotInInSlingshotWorldissueoneIwrotewroteIoneissueWorldSlingshotIn and Utter Dead Shot and Utter Dead Shot and Utter Dead ShotMark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult EngineerMark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult EngineerMark Jumbo Willis: Motorcycle Yoda, Catapult Engineer In which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers. In which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers. In which we get to meet and mither the famous slingshot characters, makers, movers and shakers.ACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITY ACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITY ACCESS ALL AREAS SLINGSHOT CELEBRITYMOVERS & SHAKERS MOVERS & SHAKERS MOVERS & SHAKERS'