b'19/02/2019 10:56 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 51 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 51 19/02/2019 10:56 19/02/2019 10:56 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 51051 051 051system to a size for Every Day Carry. system to a size for Every Day Carry. system to a size for Every Day Carry.item with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entireitem with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entireitem with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entire hench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the onehench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the onehench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the one braced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you arebraced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you arebraced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you are together as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot betogether as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot betogether as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot be new and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put backnew and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put backnew and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put back The all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirelyThe all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirelyThe all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirely HAMMER LT HAMMER LT HAMMER LTunderneath is a brilliant extra. underneath is a brilliant extra. underneath is a brilliant extra.hand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railchosen shooting sport. chosen shooting sport. hand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railhand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railchosen shooting sport.old boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myupon your approach to yourupon your approach to yourold boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myold boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myupon your approach to your detail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thanto use it with, dependingto use it with, dependingdetail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thandetail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thanto use it with, depending moulding for its absurd level of texture andany Hammer head you wishany Hammer head you wishmoulding for its absurd level of texture andmoulding for its absurd level of texture andany Hammer head you wish sheer perfection of precision high end injectionand with a click, marries toand with a click, marries tosheer perfection of precision high end injectionsheer perfection of precision high end injectionand with a click, marries to bracets, folds and locks. And of course, thecunning Seljan connectioncunning Seljan connectionbracets, folds and locks. And of course, thebracets, folds and locks. And of course, thecunning Seljan connection connection joints asymmetry, the way the steelremoving the issue. It has theremoving the issue. It has theconnection joints asymmetry, the way the steelconnection joints asymmetry, the way the steelremoving the issue. It has the spring steel head retainer, the cleverness of theIt has no brace by design,It has no brace by design,spring steel head retainer, the cleverness of thespring steel head retainer, the cleverness of theIt has no brace by design, The heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatnow the LT Hammer handle.now the LT Hammer handle.The heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatThe heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatnow the LT Hammer handle. HAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE create the brace, there iscreate the brace, there isHAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE HAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE create the brace, there is the steel parts to secure andthe steel parts to secure andthe steel parts to secure and supplied and used withoutsupplied and used withoutsupplied and used without handle, which can behandle, which can behandle, which can be as well as the classic Hammeras well as the classic Hammeras well as the classic Hammer States and ten US cities. SoStates and ten US cities. SoStates and ten US cities. So sling bans in other Unitedsling bans in other Unitedsling bans in other United New York State, plus otherNew York State, plus otherNew York State, plus other brace concept is banned inbrace concept is banned inbrace concept is banned in banned there. Likewise, thatbanned there. Likewise, thatbanned there. Likewise, that Wrist braces swiftly becameWrist braces swiftly becameWrist braces swiftly became riot catapult art, either. Ed.)riot catapult art, either. Ed.)riot catapult art, either. Ed.) nice. (I wont publish urbannice. (I wont publish urbannice. (I wont publish urban wrist-braced slingshots. Notwrist-braced slingshots. Notwrist-braced slingshots. Not was a riot and they usedwas a riot and they usedwas a riot and they used Once in Germany, thereOnce in Germany, thereOnce in Germany, there HANDLES HANDLES HANDLESHAMMER HAMMER HAMMERTHE THE THEarchery centre. 3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won national3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won nationalarchery centre. archery centre. 3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won national plus distribution operation make this Europes largestchampionships and holds an associate design andchampionships and holds an associate design andplus distribution operation make this Europes largestplus distribution operation make this Europes largestchampionships and holds an associate design and indoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopin industrial design, a history of winning archeryin industrial design, a history of winning archeryindoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopindoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopin industrial design, a history of winning archery they have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degreeMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degreethey have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mthey have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degree Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy.designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy.Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy. be magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrialand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrialbe magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inbe magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrial to take the photography and make the video has tobeing an heroically good shot, digital media mavenbeing an heroically good shot, digital media mavento take the photography and make the video has toto take the photography and make the video has tobeing an heroically good shot, digital media maven coolest place I could possibly have chosen to askmultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one formultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one forcoolest place I could possibly have chosen to askcoolest place I could possibly have chosen to askmultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one for With so much archery-overlap with sling bows, themeet a polymath. De ned as a person who hasmeet a polymath. De ned as a person who hasWith so much archery-overlap with sling bows, theWith so much archery-overlap with sling bows, themeet a polymath. De ned as a person who has Before we tell you about the Hammer handles,Before we tell you about the Hammer handles,Before we tell you about the Hammer handles, Mark Seljan, you are a genius. us? us? Mark Seljan, you are a genius. Mark Seljan, you are a genius. us?nohow. arrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still witharrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still withnohow. nohow. arrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still with is a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,MANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shootMANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shootis a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,is a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,MANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shoot mayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathancompound plugs for each function. (READ THEcompound plugs for each function. (READ THEmayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathanmayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathancompound plugs for each function. (READ THE the designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubberfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubberthe designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedthe designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubber Alessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,plug system on another. Ocularis plugst one wayplug system on another. Ocularis plugst one wayAlessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,Alessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,plug system on another. Ocularis plugst one way engineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is thedarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularisdarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularisengineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is theengineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is thedarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularis development from Nathans mind to design thenely at bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or anydevelopment from Nathans mind to design thenelydevelopment from Nathans mind to design thenely at bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or any at bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or any camo.) Mark worked with the years of design andbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shootbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shootcamo.) Mark worked with the years of design andcamo.) Mark worked with the years of design andbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shoot in aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein common but the genius of the industrial designerin common but the genius of the industrial designerin aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein common but the genius of the industrial designer UKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS Hunterheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all haveheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all haveUKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS HunterUKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS Hunterheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all have makes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Thedifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds ofdifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds ofmakes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Themakes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Thedifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds of design awards for these SimpleShot products and& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have three& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have threedesign awards for these SimpleShot products anddesign awards for these SimpleShot products and& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have three HAMMER ECOSYSTEM HAMMER ECOSYSTEM HAMMER ECOSYSTEMHAMMER ECOSYSTEM HAMMER ECOSYSTEM HAMMER ECOSYSTEMdesign awards for these SimpleShot products and& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have three& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have threedesign awards for these SimpleShot products anddesign awards for these SimpleShot products and& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have three makes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Thedifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds ofdifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds ofmakes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Themakes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Thedifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds of UKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS Hunterheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all haveheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all haveUKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS HunterUKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS Hunterheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all have in aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein common but the genius of the industrial designerin common but the genius of the industrial designerin aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein common but the genius of the industrial designer camo.) Mark worked with the years of design andbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shootbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shootcamo.) Mark worked with the years of design andcamo.) Mark worked with the years of design andbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shootat bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or any development from Nathans mind to design thenely at bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or anydevelopment from Nathans mind to design thenelydevelopment from Nathans mind to design thenely at bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or anyengineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is thedarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularisdarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularisengineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is theengineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is thedarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularis Alessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,plug system on another. Ocularis plugst one wayplug system on another. Ocularis plugst one wayAlessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,Alessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,plug system on another. Ocularis plugst one way the designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubberfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubberthe designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedthe designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubber mayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathancompound plugs for each function. (READ THEcompound plugs for each function. (READ THEmayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathanmayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathancompound plugs for each function. (READ THE is a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,MANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shootMANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shootis a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,is a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,MANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shoot nohow. arrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still witharrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still withnohow. nohow. arrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still with Mark Seljan, you are a genius. us? us? Mark Seljan, you are a genius. Mark Seljan, you are a genius. us?Before we tell you about the Hammer handles,Before we tell you about the Hammer handles,Before we tell you about the Hammer handles, With so much archery-overlap with sling bows, themeet a polymath. De ned as a person who hasmeet a polymath. De ned as a person who hasWith so much archery-overlap with sling bows, theWith so much archery-overlap with sling bows, themeet a polymath. De ned as a person who has coolest place I could possibly have chosen to askmultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one formultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one forcoolest place I could possibly have chosen to askcoolest place I could possibly have chosen to askmultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one for to take the photography and make the video has tobeing an heroically good shot, digital media mavenbeing an heroically good shot, digital media mavento take the photography and make the video has toto take the photography and make the video has tobeing an heroically good shot, digital media maven be magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrialand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrialbe magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inbe magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrial Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy.designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy.Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy. they have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degreeMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degreethey have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mthey have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degree indoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopin industrial design, a history of winning archeryin industrial design, a history of winning archeryindoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopindoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopin industrial design, a history of winning archery plus distribution operation make this Europes largestchampionships and holds an associate design andchampionships and holds an associate design andplus distribution operation make this Europes largestplus distribution operation make this Europes largestchampionships and holds an associate design and archery centre. 3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won national3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won nationalarchery centre. archery centre. 3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won national THE THE THEHAMMER HAMMER HAMMERHANDLES HANDLES HANDLESOnce in Germany, thereOnce in Germany, thereOnce in Germany, there was a riot and they usedwas a riot and they usedwas a riot and they used wrist-braced slingshots. Notwrist-braced slingshots. Notwrist-braced slingshots. Not nice. (I wont publish urbannice. (I wont publish urbannice. (I wont publish urban riot catapult art, either. Ed.)riot catapult art, either. Ed.)riot catapult art, either. Ed.) Wrist braces swiftly becameWrist braces swiftly becameWrist braces swiftly became banned there. Likewise, thatbanned there. Likewise, thatbanned there. Likewise, that brace concept is banned inbrace concept is banned inbrace concept is banned in New York State, plus otherNew York State, plus otherNew York State, plus other sling bans in other Unitedsling bans in other Unitedsling bans in other United States and ten US cities. SoStates and ten US cities. SoStates and ten US cities. So as well as the classic Hammeras well as the classic Hammeras well as the classic Hammer handle, which can behandle, which can behandle, which can be supplied and used withoutsupplied and used withoutsupplied and used without the steel parts to secure andthe steel parts to secure andthe steel parts to secure and HAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE create the brace, there iscreate the brace, there isHAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE HAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE create the brace, there is The heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatnow the LT Hammer handle.now the LT Hammer handle.The heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatThe heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatnow the LT Hammer handle. spring steel head retainer, the cleverness of theIt has no brace by design,It has no brace by design,spring steel head retainer, the cleverness of thespring steel head retainer, the cleverness of theIt has no brace by design, connection joints asymmetry, the way the steelremoving the issue. It has theremoving the issue. It has theconnection joints asymmetry, the way the steelconnection joints asymmetry, the way the steelremoving the issue. It has the bracets, folds and locks. And of course, thecunning Seljan connectioncunning Seljan connectionbracets, folds and locks. And of course, thebracets, folds and locks. And of course, thecunning Seljan connection sheer perfection of precision high end injectionand with a click, marries toand with a click, marries tosheer perfection of precision high end injectionsheer perfection of precision high end injectionand with a click, marries to moulding for its absurd level of texture andany Hammer head you wishany Hammer head you wishmoulding for its absurd level of texture andmoulding for its absurd level of texture andany Hammer head you wish detail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thanto use it with, dependingto use it with, dependingdetail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thandetail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thanto use it with, depending old boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myupon your approach to yourupon your approach to yourold boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myold boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myupon your approach to your hand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railchosen shooting sport. chosen shooting sport. hand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railhand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railchosen shooting sport.underneath is a brilliant extra. underneath is a brilliant extra. underneath is a brilliant extra.HAMMER LT HAMMER LT HAMMER LTThe all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirelyThe all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirelyThe all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirely new and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put backnew and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put backnew and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put back together as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot betogether as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot betogether as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot be braced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you arebraced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you arebraced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you are hench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the onehench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the onehench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the one item with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entireitem with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entireitem with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entire system to a size for Every Day Carry. system to a size for Every Day Carry. system to a size for Every Day Carry.051 051 05119/02/2019 10:56 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 51 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 51 19/02/2019 10:56 19/02/2019 10:56 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 5119/02/2019 10:56 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 51 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 51 19/02/2019 10:56 19/02/2019 10:56 SSW002.Simpleshot.indd 51051 051 051system to a size for Every Day Carry. system to a size for Every Day Carry. system to a size for Every Day Carry.item with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entireitem with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entireitem with the most SimpleShot DNA of all. A game changer, reducing the entire hench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the onehench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the onehench. Very privileged to see this before everybody else. It might just be the one braced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you arebraced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you arebraced, the harpoon sling bow bands are probably not a good idea unless you are together as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot betogether as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot betogether as often as you wish, for ever. It takes all the heads but as it cannot be new and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put backnew and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put backnew and even pocketable experience. It can safely be taken apart and put back The all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirelyThe all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirelyThe all new handle that cannot upset German legislators and makes for an entirely HAMMER LT HAMMER LT HAMMER LTunderneath is a brilliant extra. underneath is a brilliant extra. underneath is a brilliant extra.hand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railchosen shooting sport. chosen shooting sport. hand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railhand like it was made for me. The Picatinny railchosen shooting sport.old boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myupon your approach to yourupon your approach to yourold boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myold boots. Shapely and ergonomic, itts myupon your approach to your detail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thanto use it with, dependingto use it with, dependingdetail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thandetail. Glass reinforced nylon is tougher thanto use it with, depending moulding for its absurd level of texture andany Hammer head you wishany Hammer head you wishmoulding for its absurd level of texture andmoulding for its absurd level of texture andany Hammer head you wish sheer perfection of precision high end injectionand with a click, marries toand with a click, marries tosheer perfection of precision high end injectionsheer perfection of precision high end injectionand with a click, marries to bracets, folds and locks. And of course, thecunning Seljan connectioncunning Seljan connectionbracets, folds and locks. And of course, thebracets, folds and locks. And of course, thecunning Seljan connection connection joints asymmetry, the way the steelremoving the issue. It has theremoving the issue. It has theconnection joints asymmetry, the way the steelconnection joints asymmetry, the way the steelremoving the issue. It has the spring steel head retainer, the cleverness of theIt has no brace by design,It has no brace by design,spring steel head retainer, the cleverness of thespring steel head retainer, the cleverness of theIt has no brace by design, The heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatnow the LT Hammer handle.now the LT Hammer handle.The heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatThe heart of the smarts. Look closely at thatnow the LT Hammer handle. HAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE create the brace, there iscreate the brace, there isHAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE HAMMER - REMOVABLE STEEL BAR BRACE create the brace, there is the steel parts to secure andthe steel parts to secure andthe steel parts to secure and supplied and used withoutsupplied and used withoutsupplied and used without handle, which can behandle, which can behandle, which can be as well as the classic Hammeras well as the classic Hammeras well as the classic Hammer States and ten US cities. SoStates and ten US cities. SoStates and ten US cities. So sling bans in other Unitedsling bans in other Unitedsling bans in other United New York State, plus otherNew York State, plus otherNew York State, plus other brace concept is banned inbrace concept is banned inbrace concept is banned in banned there. Likewise, thatbanned there. Likewise, thatbanned there. Likewise, that Wrist braces swiftly becameWrist braces swiftly becameWrist braces swiftly became riot catapult art, either. Ed.)riot catapult art, either. Ed.)riot catapult art, either. Ed.) nice. (I wont publish urbannice. (I wont publish urbannice. (I wont publish urban wrist-braced slingshots. Notwrist-braced slingshots. Notwrist-braced slingshots. Not was a riot and they usedwas a riot and they usedwas a riot and they used Once in Germany, thereOnce in Germany, thereOnce in Germany, there HANDLES HANDLES HANDLESHAMMER HAMMER HAMMERTHE THE THEarchery centre. 3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won national3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won nationalarchery centre. archery centre. 3D art professorship in Budapest. Hes won national plus distribution operation make this Europes largestchampionships and holds an associate design andchampionships and holds an associate design andplus distribution operation make this Europes largestplus distribution operation make this Europes largestchampionships and holds an associate design and indoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopin industrial design, a history of winning archeryin industrial design, a history of winning archeryindoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopindoor range, big shooting ground and pro-shopin industrial design, a history of winning archery they have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degreeMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degreethey have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mthey have been going for umpteen years. Their 30mMark has a doctorate in arts and a masters degree Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy.designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy.Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,Hertfordshire. Second generation archery distributors,designer, Mark Seljan is one absurdly quali ed guy. be magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrialand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrialbe magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inbe magazine stockists Chiltern Archery, near Tring inand a big-air ATB unicyclist to start with. His industrial to take the photography and make the video has tobeing an heroically good shot, digital media mavenbeing an heroically good shot, digital media mavento take the photography and make the video has toto take the photography and make the video has tobeing an heroically good shot, digital media maven coolest place I could possibly have chosen to askmultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one formultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one forcoolest place I could possibly have chosen to askcoolest place I could possibly have chosen to askmultiple genius-level talents. Nathan Masters is one for With so much archery-overlap with sling bows, themeet a polymath. De ned as a person who hasmeet a polymath. De ned as a person who hasWith so much archery-overlap with sling bows, theWith so much archery-overlap with sling bows, themeet a polymath. De ned as a person who has Before we tell you about the Hammer handles,Before we tell you about the Hammer handles,Before we tell you about the Hammer handles, Mark Seljan, you are a genius. us? us? Mark Seljan, you are a genius. Mark Seljan, you are a genius. us?nohow. arrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still witharrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still withnohow. nohow. arrows with the addition of a whisker biscuit. Still with is a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,MANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shootMANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shootis a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,is a profoundly impressed man. And he aint stoopid,MANUAL!). Three of Hammers heads can shoot mayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathancompound plugs for each function. (READ THEcompound plugs for each function. (READ THEmayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathanmayhem, made of glass- lled nylon and steel. Nathancompound plugs for each function. (READ THE the designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubberfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubberthe designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedthe designers dream-weaver of injection mouldedfor tubes, the other forats, with different rubber Alessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,plug system on another. Ocularis plugst one wayplug system on another. Ocularis plugst one wayAlessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,Alessi of Slingshots, the Captain Kirk of catapults,plug system on another. Ocularis plugst one way engineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is thedarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularisdarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularisengineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is theengineered, set of slingshots you see here. He is thedarn angle you choose via SimpleShots Ocularis development from Nathans mind to design thenely at bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or anydevelopment from Nathans mind to design thenelydevelopment from Nathans mind to design thenely at bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or any at bands in either OTT or TTF on one model or any camo.) Mark worked with the years of design andbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shootbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shootcamo.) Mark worked with the years of design andcamo.) Mark worked with the years of design andbehind the entire system. Hammer heads can shoot in aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein common but the genius of the industrial designerin common but the genius of the industrial designerin aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein aluminium, inve colours including Realtreein common but the genius of the industrial designer UKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS Hunterheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all haveheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all haveUKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS HunterUKs Pro-Shot catapults cast Mark Seljans MS Hunterheads. In this case, it is not just the nail they all have makes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Thedifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds ofdifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds ofmakes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Themakes props for movies, too - often 3D printed. (Thedifferent kinds of handles and four different kinds of design awards for these SimpleShot products and& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have three& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have threedesign awards for these SimpleShot products anddesign awards for these SimpleShot products and& Horses, a SimpleShot Hammer can have three HAMMER ECOSYSTEM HAMMER ECOSYSTEM HAMMER ECOSYSTEM'