b'19/02/2019 10:42 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 21 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 21 19/02/2019 10:42 19/02/2019 10:42 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 21021 SlingshotWorld 021 021 SlingshotWorld 021 021 SlingshotWorld 021Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 9 YouTube channel. PPMG+, which shall carry the legendPPMG+, which shall carry the legendYouTube channel. 9 Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 9 YouTube channel. PPMG+, which shall carry the legend (now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 bothered to talk about this history on hisMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, theMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, thebothered to talk about this history on his(now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 (now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 bothered to talk about this history on hisMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, the Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT8 surprised that he has never reallyto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poacherto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poachersurprised that he has never really8Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT 8Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT surprised that he has never reallyto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poacher Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 7 information, has himself been a littleGrip, or PPSG and the later re-designed- Grip, or PPSG and the later re-designed- information, has himself been a little7 Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 7 information, has himself been a littleGrip, or PPSG and the later re-designed-improved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 interviewed at length to get all thisoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Superoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Superinterviewed at length to get all thisimproved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 improved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 interviewed at length to get all thisoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Super amekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper 6GI can tell you that John, who IGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In theGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In theI can tell you that John, who I6Gamekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper amekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper 6 GI can tell you that John, who IGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In the Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 5 website. UK (and sent all over the world) are theUK (and sent all over the world) are thewebsite. 5 Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 5 website. UK (and sent all over the world) are the that sold out as soon as it was put on themost ultra cult slingshot frames in themost ultra cult slingshot frames in thethat sold out as soon as it was put on thethat sold out as soon as it was put on themost ultra cult slingshot frames in the Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 4 and PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,And DNA is what this is all about. TheAnd DNA is what this is all about. Theand PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,4 Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 4 and PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,And DNA is what this is all about. The Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 3 stuff that really matters from previous erasprofession is deep within their very DNA. profession is deep within their very DNA. stuff that really matters from previous eras3 Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 3 stuff that really matters from previous erasprofession is deep within their very DNA.Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 2 We have got hold of all the classic GKJgenerations ofshing rod makers, theirgenerations ofshing rod makers, theirWe have got hold of all the classic GKJ2 Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 2 We have got hold of all the classic GKJgenerations ofshing rod makers, their Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 1 And we are going tox that now. in the foundry. Like Japanese multiplein the foundry. Like Japanese multipleAnd we are going tox that now. 1 Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 1 And we are going tox that now. in the foundry. Like Japanese multiple stuff came to be there.fth generation of familial involvementstuff came to be there. stuff came to be there.fth generation of familial involvement fth generation of familial involvement WE HAD: evolutionary series explanations nor howexcellence in the world are now on theirexcellence in the world are now on theirevolutionary series explanations nor howWE HAD: WE HAD: evolutionary series explanations nor howexcellence in the world are now on their studio but there is no distraction withbest artisans in the most famous centre ofbest artisans in the most famous centre ofstudio but there is no distraction withstudio but there is no distraction withbest artisans in the most famous centre of shot in-house in their own internet photoLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, theLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, theshot in-house in their own internet photoshot in-house in their own internet photoLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, the and there are pretty images. ExpertlyHe is the fourth of that name. He is the fourth of that name. and there are pretty images. Expertlyand there are pretty images. ExpertlyHe is the fourth of that name.Christmas gift from my wife. On the Pro-Shot website there are priceshis dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.J his dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.On the Pro-Shot website there are pricesChristmas gift from my wife. Christmas gift from my wife. On the Pro-Shot website there are priceshis dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.Jthe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick Frenchthe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofname. Hisrst born son had littleJ name. Hisrst born son had littlethe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofthe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick Frenchthe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick Frenchthe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofname. Hisrst born son had little wet formed leather holster. A treasuredthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? option but to be named John Webb afteroption but to be named John Webb afterthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? wet formed leather holster. A treasuredwet formed leather holster. A treasuredthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? option but to be named John Webb after also cast in brass and even bronze. I haveall those Gamekeeper-named frames onas his brand - is the third of thatas his brand - is the third of thatall those Gamekeeper-named frames onalso cast in brass and even bronze. I havealso cast in brass and even bronze. I haveall those Gamekeeper-named frames onas his brand - is the third of that soon as it was made. Many designs arefrom? What came before? And what ARElaugh initially and which stucklaugh initially and which stuckfrom? What came before? And what AREsoon as it was made. Many designs aresoon as it was made. Many designs arefrom? What came before? And what ARElaugh initially and which stuck aluminium, before getting PPMG+ asBut where did these designs springGamekeeper John just for aGamekeeper John just for aBut where did these designs springaluminium, before getting PPMG+ asaluminium, before getting PPMG+ asBut where did these designs springGamekeeper John just for a We were sent eight frames, all inforward. ohn Webb - known asohn Webb - known asforward. We were sent eight frames, all inWe were sent eight frames, all inforward. ohn Webb - known as revelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew! revelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew! revelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew!Here is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with someHere is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with someHere is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with some planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years.planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years.planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years. Maybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on theMaybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on theMaybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on the A Marriage Cast In METAL A Marriage Cast In METAL A Marriage Cast In METALGKJ & Pro-Shot: GKJ & Pro-Shot: GKJ & Pro-Shot:METAL PRECIOUS PRECIOUS METAL METAL PRECIOUSMETAL PRECIOUS PRECIOUS METAL METAL PRECIOUSGKJ & Pro-Shot: GKJ & Pro-Shot: GKJ & Pro-Shot:A Marriage Cast In METAL A Marriage Cast In METAL A Marriage Cast In METALMaybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on theMaybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on theMaybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on the planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years.planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years.planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years. Here is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with someHere is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with someHere is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with some We were sent eight frames, all inthe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick Frenchsoon as it was made. Many designs areChristmas gift from my wife. aluminium, before getting PPMG+ aswet formed leather holster. A treasuredalso cast in brass and even bronze. I haveOn the Pro-Shot website there are pricesBut where did these designs springthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? forward. from? What came before? And what AREall those Gamekeeper-named frames onthe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofGamekeeper John just for aas his brand - is the third of thatname. Hisrst born son had littleohn Webb - known aslaugh initially and which stuckhis dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.option but to be named John Webb afterrevelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew! J J ohn Webb - known asforward. We were sent eight frames, all inWe were sent eight frames, all inwet formed leather holster. A treasuredsoon as it was made. Many designs areChristmas gift from my wife. also cast in brass and even bronze. I havethe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick Frenchaluminium, before getting PPMG+ asOn the Pro-Shot website there are pricesBut where did these designs springall those Gamekeeper-named frames onthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? forward. from? What came before? And what AREthe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofGamekeeper John just for alaugh initially and which stuckas his brand - is the third of thatname. Hisrst born son had littleohn Webb - known asoption but to be named John Webb afterhis dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.revelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew! Jrevelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew!Gamekeeper John just for aBut where did these designs springaluminium, before getting PPMG+ as laugh initially and which stuckfrom? What came before? And what AREsoon as it was made. Many designs are as his brand - is the third of thatall those Gamekeeper-named frames onalso cast in brass and even bronze. I have name. Hisrst born son had littlethe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofthe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick French option but to be named John Webb afterthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? wet formed leather holster. A treasured his dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.On the Pro-Shot website there are pricesChristmas gift from my wife.and there are pretty images. ExpertlyHe is the fourth of that name. He is the fourth of that name. and there are pretty images. Expertlyand there are pretty images. ExpertlyHe is the fourth of that name.shot in-house in their own internet photoLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, theLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, theshot in-house in their own internet photoshot in-house in their own internet photoLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, the studio but there is no distraction withbest artisans in the most famous centre ofbest artisans in the most famous centre ofstudio but there is no distraction withstudio but there is no distraction withbest artisans in the most famous centre of WE HAD: evolutionary series explanations nor howexcellence in the world are now on theirexcellence in the world are now on theirevolutionary series explanations nor howWE HAD: WE HAD: evolutionary series explanations nor howexcellence in the world are now on their stuff came to be there.fth generation of familial involvementstuff came to be there. stuff came to be there.fth generation of familial involvement fth generation of familial involvement Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 1 And we are going tox that now. in the foundry. Like Japanese multiplein the foundry. Like Japanese multipleAnd we are going tox that now. 1 Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 1 And we are going tox that now. in the foundry. Like Japanese multiple Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 2 We have got hold of all the classic GKJgenerations ofshing rod makers, theirgenerations ofshing rod makers, theirWe have got hold of all the classic GKJ2 Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 2 We have got hold of all the classic GKJgenerations ofshing rod makers, their Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 3 stuff that really matters from previous erasprofession is deep within their very DNA. profession is deep within their very DNA. stuff that really matters from previous eras3 Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 3 stuff that really matters from previous erasprofession is deep within their very DNA.Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 4 and PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,And DNA is what this is all about. TheAnd DNA is what this is all about. Theand PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,4 Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 4 and PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,And DNA is what this is all about. The Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 5 that sold out as soon as it was put on themost ultra cult slingshot frames in themost ultra cult slingshot frames in thethat sold out as soon as it was put on the5 Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 5 that sold out as soon as it was put on themost ultra cult slingshot frames in the 6Gamekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper website. UK (and sent all over the world) are theUK (and sent all over the world) are thewebsite. 6Gamekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper 6Gamekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper website. UK (and sent all over the world) are the I can tell you that John, who IGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In theGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In theI can tell you that John, who II can tell you that John, who IGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In the improved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 interviewed at length to get all thisoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Superoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Superinterviewed at length to get all thisimproved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 improved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 interviewed at length to get all thisoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Super Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 7 information, has himself been a littleGrip, or PPSG and the later re-designed- Grip, or PPSG and the later re-designed- information, has himself been a little7 Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 7 information, has himself been a littleGrip, or PPSG and the later re-designed-Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT8 surprised that he has never reallyto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poacherto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poachersurprised that he has never really8Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT 8Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT surprised that he has never reallyto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poacher (now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 bothered to talk about this history on hisMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, theMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, thebothered to talk about this history on his(now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 (now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 bothered to talk about this history on hisMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, the YouTube channel. PPMG+, which shall carry the legendPPMG+, which shall carry the legendYouTube channel. YouTube channel. PPMG+, which shall carry the legend Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 9 9 Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 9021 SlingshotWorld 021 021 SlingshotWorld 021 021 SlingshotWorld 02119/02/2019 10:42 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 21 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 21 19/02/2019 10:42 19/02/2019 10:42 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 2119/02/2019 10:42 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 21 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 21 19/02/2019 10:42 19/02/2019 10:42 SSW002 ProShot Cats.indd 21021 SlingshotWorld 021 021 SlingshotWorld 021 021 SlingshotWorld 021Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 9 YouTube channel. PPMG+, which shall carry the legendPPMG+, which shall carry the legendYouTube channel. 9 Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 Gamekeeper PPMG+ #0005: Price 65.00 9 YouTube channel. PPMG+, which shall carry the legend (now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 bothered to talk about this history on hisMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, theMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, thebothered to talk about this history on his(now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 (now up to Mk5): Price 50.00 bothered to talk about this history on hisMega Grip or PPMG. And just now, the Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT8 surprised that he has never reallyto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poacherto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poachersurprised that he has never really8Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT 8Gamekeeper Pocket Rocket 3 or PR3 OTT surprised that he has never reallyto-make-it-easier-for-idiots Pocket Poacher Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 7 information, has himself been a littleGrip, or PPSG and the later re-designed- Grip, or PPSG and the later re-designed- information, has himself been a little7 Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Phoenix TTF: Price 55.00 7 information, has himself been a littleGrip, or PPSG and the later re-designed-improved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 interviewed at length to get all thisoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Superoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Superinterviewed at length to get all thisimproved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 improved SPS (See glossary):Price 55.00 interviewed at length to get all thisoriginal so-easy-to-forkhit-it-hurts Super amekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper 6GI can tell you that John, who IGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In theGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In theI can tell you that John, who I6Gamekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper 6Gamekeeper Pocket Slingshot or the Gamekeeper I can tell you that John, who IGamekeeper John Pocket Poachers. In the Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 5 website. UK (and sent all over the world) are theUK (and sent all over the world) are thewebsite. 5 Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Chunky Milbro Mk3 OTT: .Price 55.00 5 website. UK (and sent all over the world) are the that sold out as soon as it was put on themost ultra cult slingshot frames in themost ultra cult slingshot frames in thethat sold out as soon as it was put on thethat sold out as soon as it was put on themost ultra cult slingshot frames in the Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 4 and PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,And DNA is what this is all about. TheAnd DNA is what this is all about. Theand PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,4 Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Blood Stopper OTT: .Price 55.00 4 and PPMG+ #0005, from the veryrst run,And DNA is what this is all about. The Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 3 stuff that really matters from previous erasprofession is deep within their very DNA. profession is deep within their very DNA. stuff that really matters from previous eras3 Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 Gamekeeper Mini Rabbit Stopper: .Price 40.00 3 stuff that really matters from previous erasprofession is deep within their very DNA.Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 2 We have got hold of all the classic GKJgenerations ofshing rod makers, theirgenerations ofshing rod makers, theirWe have got hold of all the classic GKJ2 Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 Gamekeeper Rabbit Stopper:Price 60.00 2 We have got hold of all the classic GKJgenerations ofshing rod makers, their Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 1 And we are going tox that now. in the foundry. Like Japanese multiplein the foundry. Like Japanese multipleAnd we are going tox that now. 1 Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 Gamekeeper Pheasant Stopper: Price 55.00 1 And we are going tox that now. in the foundry. Like Japanese multiple stuff came to be there.fth generation of familial involvementstuff came to be there. stuff came to be there.fth generation of familial involvement fth generation of familial involvement WE HAD: evolutionary series explanations nor howexcellence in the world are now on theirexcellence in the world are now on theirevolutionary series explanations nor howWE HAD: WE HAD: evolutionary series explanations nor howexcellence in the world are now on their studio but there is no distraction withbest artisans in the most famous centre ofbest artisans in the most famous centre ofstudio but there is no distraction withstudio but there is no distraction withbest artisans in the most famous centre of shot in-house in their own internet photoLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, theLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, theshot in-house in their own internet photoshot in-house in their own internet photoLikewise, over at Pro-Shot Catapults, the and there are pretty images. ExpertlyHe is the fourth of that name. He is the fourth of that name. and there are pretty images. Expertlyand there are pretty images. ExpertlyHe is the fourth of that name.Christmas gift from my wife. On the Pro-Shot website there are priceshis dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.J his dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.On the Pro-Shot website there are pricesChristmas gift from my wife. Christmas gift from my wife. On the Pro-Shot website there are priceshis dad, grand-dad and great grandfather.Jthe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick Frenchthe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofname. Hisrst born son had littleJ name. Hisrst born son had littlethe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofthe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick Frenchthe bronze PPMG #42 in a Mick Frenchthe Pro-Shot website? What is the story ofname. Hisrst born son had little wet formed leather holster. A treasuredthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? option but to be named John Webb afteroption but to be named John Webb afterthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? wet formed leather holster. A treasuredwet formed leather holster. A treasuredthe evolution of the GKJ catapult? option but to be named John Webb after also cast in brass and even bronze. I haveall those Gamekeeper-named frames onas his brand - is the third of thatas his brand - is the third of thatall those Gamekeeper-named frames onalso cast in brass and even bronze. I havealso cast in brass and even bronze. I haveall those Gamekeeper-named frames onas his brand - is the third of that soon as it was made. Many designs arefrom? What came before? And what ARElaugh initially and which stucklaugh initially and which stuckfrom? What came before? And what AREsoon as it was made. Many designs aresoon as it was made. Many designs arefrom? What came before? And what ARElaugh initially and which stuck aluminium, before getting PPMG+ asBut where did these designs springGamekeeper John just for aGamekeeper John just for aBut where did these designs springaluminium, before getting PPMG+ asaluminium, before getting PPMG+ asBut where did these designs springGamekeeper John just for a We were sent eight frames, all inforward. ohn Webb - known asohn Webb - known asforward. We were sent eight frames, all inWe were sent eight frames, all inforward. ohn Webb - known as revelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew! revelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew! revelations that no-one, not even Pro-Shot knew!Here is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with someHere is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with someHere is the history of their work with Gamekeeper Catapults, from year dot to NOW, with some planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years.planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years.planet, have been casting the designs of the worlds top end slingshot makers for many years. Maybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on theMaybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on theMaybe marriage is a bit strong, but Pro-Shot catapults, thenest cast catapult makers on the A Marriage Cast In METAL A Marriage Cast In METAL A Marriage Cast In METALGKJ & Pro-Shot: GKJ & Pro-Shot: GKJ & Pro-Shot:METAL PRECIOUS PRECIOUS METAL METAL PRECIOUS'