SSW001 Slingshot worldstalwarts.indd 60 22/07/2018 15:36 S S 1 5 : 3 6 SS 15:36 COMMUNITY 060 SlingshotWorld You are going to start a PRINT magazine. Are you insane? Well, it’s gonna be digital too… TWO years in the run-up, these are the people Slingshot World owes its very existence to. First, all my advertisers. What ever deal I cut to have you, from a freebie for some meat for an out there nutter, to a full year commitment from the top three catapult companies, I salute and adore you all. Every single last one of you has been utterly vital. Your work, passion and skills are what made me realise there is a magazine to be made about slingshots. Thank you… Mr. Peter Hogan of Pro-Shot catapults, who at the very beginning said an unconditional ‘yes’. Two years ago. Mr. Nathan Masters, who, despite having a crazy Limey on the phone is also an heroic total backer of the mag. He has lost his very name to his art. Mr. Simon WASP, as well as fellow HAE Steve Lane. I rate you blokes. Dean ‘Sheepy’ Ward for literally throwing his money down at a shoot, the first day I started! Nutter. Ben ‘HtH’ Priestman for being a force for good in catapults and corralling the Sheepy… he’s a bohemian. Slingshot Stig shot a blinder in a ghillie suit in the heat, just for roadkill and no public glory. SOME SAY… To those who organised shoots, pretty much just for me to make a feature or two, Mick and Nina Wick. To Nicholas ‘Slingshot’ Privet who sent three “too easy to break” steel discs from Dankung. Stig couldn’t kill one. (He shoots 12mm albatross - was surprised that his massive shot energy is 100x that of a Chinese shooter!) To Alex Rosier for starting the Surrey Slingshot Association and Stephen Fairbairn for THE CLAN club. To Kevin Lloyd for his utter dedication, club organising, safety promotion and also for looking badass. Keith Deighton for being a dedicated shoot organiser and writing his BCA article, as well as our strap-line. Mark ‘Jumbo’ Willis for welcoming a total noob at a shoot two years back and turning out to be a catty hero. Asa Wilson for being more out there than anyone. John Jeffries for the beautiful, perfect antler frame. After we did the video he gifted it to me. I bloody filled up. Brian Arevelo, Las Vegas. A true enthusiast. SW LV reporter and the man behind the terribly clever Sight Right. To Matt Redding, a true country gentleman, descended from true country gentlemen. And top instinctual shot. Mr. Mark Clark, river dweller, all round good egg and top bandset maker. Darryl Heard for being the UK’s most bonkers catty fan. I mean, in-SANE. Mr. David Brazil, classic trad frame maker, for letting me leave him to awfully late, just for living nearby. Mr. Marco Brunetti, organiser of the Slingshot World Cup, for heroism, shrewd business acumen and allowing me to nag him right at the end of play. After all, he HAD been quite busy. I haven’t the room for thanking ALL who helped, but without you, I am just a fat bloke with a camera. You made this. SLINGSHOT WORLD STALWARTS SSW001 Slingshot worldstalwarts.indd 60 22/07/2018 15:36