SSW001 Wasp.indd 41 20/07/2018 17:45 S S 1 7 : 4 5 SS 17:45 CATTY FAN LAIR 041 T here is such a thing as an über-fan. The girl who has been to every Take That concert since 1990 and still does. The absolute comic fan who has a seriously expensive Batman costume to wear to conventions. And then you have Darryl Heard. He is the single biggest, most far-gone WASP Uniphoxx slingshot fanatic there is. He may also be the UK’s most avid sling collector overall, bar none. His collection is ENTIRE in that he has every single last colour that WASP Slingshots have ever produced of this legend-in-its-own-lunchtime, super- affordable frame. And boy, have they ever made some colours. And that’s the point. At what they cost, Darryl just kept on getting more (and more) until the catty clutter around the home drove his good lady Rachel a bit bonkers. So she had an idea, found homes for the Hoover and other stuff and banished Darryl to the cupboard under the stairs, like Harry Potter in the beginning of the stories. Although Rachel says he is a ginger, so more Ron Weasley, really. Darryl just loves them and has infected Rachel, too. Their idea of date night is actually a mooch, together, Welcome to the Wasps’ Nest with a his and hers Uniphoxx. Their tiny offspring love slingshots and like it when the cupboard is open so they can get at them. And the slings are safe from slobbering when the cupboard door is shut. Darryl has a good few dad/ son sets from other makers for when his son gets a tiny bit older. All this and they go fishing as well. Rachel told me that they just bought tiny telescopic rods for the kids. And Darryl is a motorcyclist. The ruddy family is so cool, it almost hurts. So here is the Uniphoxx lair, the WASPS’ nest - under the stairs in the home of the Coolest Catty Fans Ever. DarrylHeard wholefam! SSW001 Wasp.indd 41 20/07/2018 17:45