It is a ‘rifle’. And is the longest flat band one in existence. Absolutely, completely silly. As silly as huge car-engined trike from Rewaco Trikes… But be honest, you DO have urges to experience both these daft things, as soon as you see them, doncha?

So, just like Jeremy Clarkson gets to try the most stupidly over-engineered cars in the world, you dear reader, needed to be the first with the worst on these absurdly hilarious items as I get to try them, too. The trigger will cope with stupid amounts of power. And the main extension strut, which is clearly simply a leg from a tripod design, is three parts and extends…and extends… here is the rifle being tested for issue 5 – in production now….

At the butt end, I bolted on a telescopic sight and a spirit level. And tested the rifle with the natural latex bands it came with, a skinny set of target bands in pink 0.45mm and some hefty Richard Rogers ones, as well. It was serious labour to load.

Full two page review and detailed Chrony F1 results, coming in issue 5 with (hopefully) a Storm Trooper to model the rifle for us…. as it is way longer than a mere ‘starship’.
It’s a Star Destroyer.