A MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS AND WELL DONE! To our England and Ireland contingent, fresh back home and exhausted from their partying and exertions at the first ever Slingshot World Cup. By all accounts a superbly well run event by the genius that is Marco Brunetti and his team. All who went said it was the experience of their lives. Nathan Masters from Simple Shot went and acquitted himself handsomely, coming in the top ten of the world. The Chinese won much honour and the Spaniards were awesome. The Brangelina of Slingshots, Darrin Cook and his lovely wife Sarah are still in Italy as I write and our lads did awesomely well to finish 4th of the field of 22 nations! Special mention to Jonjoe Knight, who had an amazing shoot.



It just wasn’t doable to get there myself, so I have shamelessly stolen pictures and well, the awesome Asa Wilson posted these words, that I could not improve upon…


So I just got back from the first ever Slingshot World Cup and what an experience it was! Over 200 shooters from 22 countries from all over the world. Words will never describe how good it was and how we were treated. The Italians made us feel like celebrities! It couldn’t have been better.

I finished 39th overall and shot the 33rd highest score. Oh and shot a perfect round to which the crowd went wild for! I’m over the moon with how I shot and I’m proud of myself. I’ve never shot on a stage as big before and we all felt the pressure with hundreds watching. Congratulations to China on taking 1st and 3rd in the singles event and the three-time Spanish champion on taking 3rd. Also congratulations to the Spanish on wining the team event, with a fine Chinese squad taking 2nd and a great Italian team taking 3rd. And yes that’s an Irish flag next to my name. Before I left home, myself and another English shooter changed to Ireland to help two friends complete their team to give them a chance to win. I really wanted to make the England A- team though, just to say I could do it. And I scored high enough to do just that. I’ve over 600 pictures and videos to upload … What an experience! Big love to all who attended. Bring on China and America!”


Asa Wilson, catapult scene star and demon shot…..