Simpleshot’s TENTH! Yes, they have been going for a decade and have evolved and grown in all sorts of ways. You can see their early evolution in an article in issue Three. Best viewed on a desk top, ping this link open and flick to page 50 – it is free.
Kings of the awesome online presence, they do not just run an online shop but also keep a deep engagement with their community. My favourite thing of course as a magazine dude, is their photo competition. I blatantly thieved it here but I would love the picture for use in the Catty Art pages of Issue Six. I shall have to make a proper request and of course, the snapper gets sent his copy, even though the postage is getting costly to the USA.
To mark Simpleshot’s tenth year of operations, they have recently been offering gorgeous anodized (sic!) versions of the Ocularis, dubbed Ocularis Pro. These sold out like hot cakes.

The good news is that these desirable slingshots with the cunning everything-fixing, made from gorgeous-hefting ally, are back in stock. In the UK, expect to pay for getting them into the country via a customs charge. But just look at that package. It is deeply desirable, is it not?

Simpleshot’s tenth year started with a bloody horrible gremlin. I was just not going to pour fuel onto a stressy situation by running news stories about it to add my bit of traffic but their website had problems. I don’t know what it was but we subscribers have had the e-mail all about how it is fixed now!
To find out more, browse all their stuff and order internationally, do go check out before you do, I would also look at ProShot Catapults’ stock. They are the lovely folks who also distribute Simpleshot in the UK as well as selling their own cast metal slingshots of top end quality. Here: