THIS utterly FLEW! DOZENS OF FOLKS FELL FOR IT! In fact, so daft was the response for this totally spurious conspiracy of gits (thanks boys – you know who you are!) that Reece Sayers Ammo Man, is going to research this for real! Here is that spoof story:
In Roman times, the goliath-killer classic biblical sling was used as a weapon to rain down mayhem upon advancing troops. Recently, there have been some finds at archeological digs, of ballista – ammo made from heavy ceramics but with holes in them. When tested, they made a loud whistle as they flew. This was deemed to be part of their terror value.
And now, from top end catapult ammo supplier Balls Of Steel Sussex, we present their latest product:

Available only in 8mm (£9 per thousand) and 9.5m (£12 per thousand) diameters, these drilled steel balls have been extensively tested by ammo man Reece Sayers. Starting with samples and different sizes and configurations of holes, he worked out which worked best before some were sent out to selected top shots to act as beta testers.
Remember those whistling sweets with a hole through them? Same principle – and the faster they go, the higher and louder the sound they make. Above 200fps, they start to scream and if you can get to 300fps, they literally sound like a psychotic witch in flight.
I can imagine quarry transfixed by the sound but the real use will be in fun plinking. The main thing is that the holes have been situated such that even forces are applied to the steel ball in flight such that it does not deviate – or ‘bend’ in path – making them perfectly accurate for target use although I think your fellow competitors might have an opinion on you using screaming ammo to compete with!
Finally, here is the root of the idea. The Romans did it 1st! Jöerg Sprave’s video with Dr. John Reid, an archeologist, talking about 700 lead sling bullets found, in their dig….. go to 14 mins , 10 seconds in….