Keyring and ‘ethnic’ catty time! I am all up to date with the orders for Issue SIX of the magazine, with copies winging their way all around the English-speaking world as well as expats in the Philippines and Down Under.
Cases of magazines have gone to SimpleShot to be added to their website. As well as of to Zachary Fowler for his site. So I figured I might make a quick brace of simple videos of some stuff I would want to see more closely…if it, er, wasn’t mine! The weeny keyring ones ‘never meant to be shot’ and my ‘ethnic’ ones.
Firstly, the mad Seedballs Kenya slingshot. Deemed an ornament by a customs officer under firm instructions to confiscate any functioning catapults as they are illegal in the Netherlands. My Kenyan connection was transferring to a London flight and had to pass through customs into Holland. They had two catapults for me.. one was a simple seedballer, the other an ornate beaded wonder. Both had the same mining truck gasket sliced up to make the bands. A seriously tough rubber, they must be amazing gaskets! But terrible catapult rubber! Nonetheless, the officer had to take the ugly one but did agree the beaded one has to be an ornament alone.. and let them keep it to bring to England to post it to me as they had come on business.

Oddly, the Keyring slings were quite hard to video.. I had started making a ‘hands’ video, with the things being picked up and proffered to the camera. But it was awful.. you need fingers with perfect cuticles to do that!
So here are the cute keyring efforts:
And then, watch the cool ethnic ones.