A lovely day out with some excellent folk. And Nina, who was shy about being on camera, a little… is one HECK of a catapult shot, herself. Top scran with Pigeon, Pheasant, Venison and Rabbit.. it was filling.. and the bannock was delicious, fresh baked bread with added cookout outdoorseyness.
A fabulous location. One so special that the local witches are said to use it dance around a fire! Difficult targets were hung up the day before and on the morning and Mick Wick and his good lady, Nina, provided the hospitality. Good food, good company and fun competition with some awesome shooters. A massive thanks to Mick and Nina and props to the lads (and lass) that came along. Videoed in easier 1080p for SlingShot World magazine and www.slingshotworld.co.uk