In a world where we have so little time, yet so much data to use on our phones, the podcast has come back big time, along with audio books. After all, who wouldn’t want Stephen Fry reading his own novel? The man is a fine performer and gifted writer. And these days, you can set your phone chugging away and link it by Bluetooth to your car’s speakers and listen to what you want. Audiobooks is what they call the big efforts.
After a long time elapsing since I promised to do this (and I did in fact promise it from day one but was just daunted at the scale of the task, I guess) here is the VIDEO MAGAZINE version of Slingshot World, Issue ONE.
I am no Stephen Fry but I did my best. It was a bit vexing as after months from seeing it in detail and genuinely reading it all aloud – the very thing I try to do for proof reading – I found mistake after mistake.
Sigh… But I am halfway pleased with the result. It is in the form of a playlist of fully twenty-nine labelled videos, and is useful for playing where you don’t need to watch the screen, although I do point out a link or two, here and there, with the pheasant tail feather pointer.
The free digital editions of issue ONE and TWO are here: