Just a few days after the death of the Anglers Mail, a print magazine that I was a correspondent for these last twenty years, doing show and fishery reports, I am here to celebrate what makes MY print title work on paper.

And that would of course, be the digital free online versions of Slingshot World Magazine. Here is the link to issue three, just up. https://www.slingshotworld.co.uk/slingshot-world-digital-issue-3/
The idea is that each magazine will in time, be converted into a cunning ‘flip-book’. These are digital versions of the magazine that display in a cool page-flipper graphic that you can zoom into and has great resolution for the pictures, without being so fancy that it slows your device down.
Each digital magazine has embedded links to websites, Facebook pages and even some videos, right there on the page. You can shop and browse and find all the best sling shooting websites, even if you are truly rubbish at typing URLs and looking stuff up. This saves you the effort,
On your phone, open the magazine and you can move about it with a fingertip or use the page buttons. Enlarge, zoom in and press any links for the same result. It works well.
On your PC, you just hover the mouse over any link you see printed, and it will highlight it. Then click and you will be on the relevant website with no looking-up, nor typing.
This means easy internet shopping! ONE source for EVERY SINGLE COMPANY THAT MATTERS, the very BEST makers and suppliers, just a click away from the same place. Plus, of course, you do get the magazine.
Slingshot World magazine is now a proven collectible. Building a knowledge base issue-by-issue as well as the tourney shoots and mooch reports to enjoy. On lovely thick glossy paper with art-grade photography from the best photographers – all nagged rotten until we could get the BIG file from their cameras. The magazines are sumptuous to look at and hold and yet you can leave them by the loo to peruse while you let your phone cool down a bit.
The link to the digital editions are found as a drop down menu along the top of the page on computer versions and on your phone or tablet, the three lines and word ‘menu’ alongside it. Press that and the list appears, with FREE DIGITAL EDITIONS just above the ‘contact’ button.