MILBRO! After more than a year of featuring in the advertisement in Slingshot World magazine, with a ‘coming soon’ type of label, I can exclusively reveal that the die cast classic MILBRO catapult is to be sold once again in the UK and that the stock is on the water right now. Containers from China arriving at UK ports are of course subject to intense scrutiny at the time of writing, so the exact arrival date is not yet fixed. In fact, I am a reporter with a scoop right now as even their dealers do not know this.
That may be a sad indictment of our not really being in their world yet, as the premature news of a new product will result in a lot of calls to the distributor’s office to drive them mad with asking for sales of stuff that has not yet arrived! I am unlikely to make that happen but still, don’t bother calling them. I am going to get a hold of the first to arrive and will let you know as soon as I can.
Meanwhile, you know WHY there are so many Milbros? As against DeadShot or Goliath still around from way back when? Well, the MIlbro used a pair of turned wooden collets to affix the bands to the ‘yoke’ as they call their frames. These lasted a good six months but crumbled after then and many folks simply bought another, leaving the frame to be re-banded later. Sometimes, through, it was forty years later! But that is why there are so many and why they are such a classic today.
I gather the new ones have polymer fixings but could be wrong.
You read it here first!