Hirdhawks Design by Martin Hird

I met Martin Hird because I had been called by the good folk at WASP and alerted that a shop in Brighton was asking about catapults. I went to see the shop and set them up with Slingshot World magazines and helped them understand what were the best sellers to stock. The proprietor at Weston’s is a diamond and as well as being a top gent to deal with, had assumed that I simply had to know about this top end maker, Martin Hird, who’s wares were sold in the shop.

I confessed ignorance and was literally thrilled to see the catapults and then marvelled at the custom replacement handle grips Martin fashioned for the most popular top end air pistols by Crosman, sat there in the cabinets. I had to meet him. I got in touch and what a fascinating man Mr. Hird turned out to be! Owning Dobermans and a massive bird of prey, for he is a lifer as a falconer, too. And the creativity of the man and his hunger for experimenting with material and finish is just delicious. Just look at these beautiful natural forks and how he has finished them. I treasure the one he presented me with.

Martin truly loves the grain and feel of these…

As out there as anybody, all the way from Asa Wilson to Zachary Fowler for his love of catapults, and owning the workshop you fantasise about as you drift off to sleep, Martin Hird is a slingshot maker’s maker. When he met Mark Clark and talked catapults, it was a delight to see how much they enjoyed talking to another expert, so rare for them both.

I took a bit a wobbly-cam video of the workshop and Martin had laid out his current stock for me to look at and try not to drool upon… and as I type, it has gone to six thousand views. Check this stuff out.

The website, with superb photography by his son, who has inherited talent for fine artisanal work, is here: https://www.hirdhawks.com/ and is worthy of seeing just to check the beautiful images alone.

Mr. Martin Hird with a DEAD-on aim…